7 WAYS TO GENERATE JOY: Some thoughts on ebullient living 1. Have a spirit of gratitude & curiosity 2. See each event as a spiritual message 3. Consider yourself a temporary custodian of things – not as an owner 4. Observe how inner and outer events mirror each other 5. Creatively time travel to appreciate this moment 6. Focus on the big picture & details will eventually fall in place 7. Remember what's more important than joy and focus on that, then regard happiness as a incidental adjunct. Noel: (raising his eyebrows) So what was the hullabaloo in this book all about? Tara: (shrugging nonchalantly) We may never know. Orapan: (with hesitation) Some of the poems were uplifting. Gwen: And I enjoyed some images. Tara: (with a wry smile) Isn't that enough? ===================================================================================== from Celebrations ah Song: Rejoicing Through Art, Poetry & Dialog with T Newfields SUMMARY: A list of possible ways to experience more joy in life. KEYWORDS: achieving satisfaction, experiencing joy, paths to happiness, avenues to happiness Author: T Newfields [Nitta Hirou / Huáng Yuèwǔ] (b. 1955 - ?) Begun: 2007 in Tokyo, Japan ✶ Finished: 2022 in Yokohama, Japan Creative Commons License: Attribution. {{CC-BY-4.0}} Granted < LAST https://www.tnewfields.info/Celebrations/heartseeds.htm TOC https://www.tnewfields.info/Celebrations/index.html NEXT > https://www.tnewfields.info/Celebrations/goldpoint.htm TRANSLATIONS ESPAÑOL: https://www.tnewfields.info/es/siete.htm NIHONGO: https://www.tnewfields.info/jp/7-tsu.htm ZHŌNGWÉN: https://www.tnewfields.info//zh/qi.htm