BEFORE CLASS: Tips for Winning at the Game of School If ya look t' teachers fir wesdom it is a big mistake: at best they can offa' rough merrors and concepts which stimulatu. Whet happens in closs is hard t' prydict. Outcomes vury griatly 'n so's many tyachurs ar' dicks. Close room ri sults dupend graetly on choice - so use yo' thyme wisely un rymemba' yo' voice. Whin faced wid setbacks dun't give up: Difficulties naedn't bi feilures - jest hiccups. Melissa: Failures as hiccups? Isn't that too blithe? What kind of rubbish is this? Liao: Perhaps this Newfields bloke is echoing a point made by Kundera that we need a certain amount "lightness" in life. Most people take themselves far too seriously, as if their tiny ant-like existence actually mattered. Satoru: Kundera – isn't that a type of sneaker? Liao: (pausing a few seconds) Well . . . I suppose we could say that. Ugh - yeah! In a sense, you are absolutely correct . . . ===================================================================================== from _Crassroom Voices - Poetry, Art, & Dialogs about Education_ by T Newfields SUMMARY: A pictoral poem and dialog about classroom outcomes KEYWORDS: classroom attitudes, classroom results, pedagogy, educational attitudes Author: T Newfields [Nitta Hirou / Huáng Yuèwǔ] (b. 1955) Begun: 1997 in Shizuoka, Japan / Finished: 2018 in Yokohama, Japan Creative Commons License: Attribution. {{CC-BY-4.0}} Granted < LAST TOC NEXT >