worm is
in the
korners ah me
brain. Late at
night when me
body is still I
feel it wriggle,
chomp & giggle
az it moves thr
ough me kranium.
At first I hardly
noticed dey blasted
bugger, butt az mem-
ory after memory
dissolved it be-
came klear my en-
tire mind is worm-
infested: it's
nothing butt ah medley
ah chemicals &
microbes which
constantly mu
tate & re
. . .

Cyber Worm - an art work by T Newfields

Nadya: I guess we all have worms in our brains.
Gus: Of course. There are so many ideological 'worms' in the environment, that we all get infected in some ways. The challange is to keep coming back to our core values after fragmentation.
Liao: (sipping a cup of herbal tea, then wiping his lips) Isn't that what bravery is? Each person falls. However, it takes bravery to get up and recommit. Never fear getting cracked, bruised, or torn apart – we're only defeated when we cease trying to rebuild & restore.
Bill: (raising his eyebrows) Perhaps our general understanding of "worms" is incorrect? What if some worms actually contain useful information? Who decides what is a "worm" and what isn't?