There are also two meta-characters who comment on this book from time to time. They are outside the book, yet also part of it. Created 24,000 sol-years in the future at a time when less than 1% of all information from the 21st century remained, they're engaged in an information harvesting project for the Galactic Archives - a network of worlds spanning this part of the galaxy dedicated to the goal of archiving and disseminating all available knowledge for all times. . .
![]() | Pixxâkiû:
A data collection device in
human shape and sent back to the 21st century to catalog data for a short period in history,
Pixxâkiû was 54th sol-years in age when commenting on this text. He was "grown" in a birthing pod in
space and educated at the Galactic Academy. Although he has a human anatomy, he has some abilities considered extraordinary by
21st Century standards – eidetic memory, telepathy, sharpened senses, and energy healing. Generally
Pixxâkiû appears as clerk at a used bookstore in Vancouver.
When privacy is needed he retreats into the cedars and literally vanishes in the fog. He manages to stay relatively inconspicuous,
though a few folks murmur, "He's weird".
Favorite drink:At first he regarded coffee as an irrelevant and nugatory distraction. However, since this beverage appears repeatedly as a literary motif, his curiosity was sparked and now he systematically ingests each different type of coffee once, then moves on.Favorite Saying:Each saying fits in a given context and the whole notion of "favorites" is absurd.
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![]() | AR3X108:
In this dimension, AR3X108: usually appears as a transparent slightly bluish crystal ball. Since one of its prime directives is to not interact with humans or interfere with terrestrial timelines, when necessary it shifts out of visual range. At its center is a micro-singularity that supplies more than adequate power for any contingencies. Designed to assist Pixxâkiû in collecting information about a brief historical period, when that unit ceases to function it will shift out of this dimension and return to the future. Since Pixxâkiû has a limited storage capacity, periodically he interfaces directly with this orb to purge his memory and on occasion receive new directives from the Galactic Archive Project. Although Pixxâkiú has a telepathic link to the orb, to most people it appears inert. The best way to describe AR3X108: is as intelligent being - a living machine.Favorite drink:Are you kidding? (AR3 units do not ingest any materials.)Favorite Saying:
If you specify parameters more clearly, an appropriate response can be given. |