Anya: Generally speaking, government leaders seldom tire of war games. Their brains are testosterone-intoxicated.
Carlos: Well, that's because they seldom pay the full price. . .
Brice: Hmm. Some people seem to become most alive in the midst of horror. They thrive on suffering.
Devani: Yes, such souls do exist . . . . I feel they should be avoided.

End Game

To a child war might see
m like an amusin' game. Sul

dierz kan be lined up easi
ly then quickly k

nucked away. Life be
more difficult than any imagi

nary gamez – characterz evolve kun
stantly + rulz uften change.

When will we tire uf sanguine pur
suits? Gazin' at the stars i

t seems thut all hu
mmm ambitiuns R so mini

scule + invulve s
uch meagre fruit.


Copyright 1981, 2010 by T Newfields. All rights reserved.