Unit 5: Listening Task #3
Teachers' Manual

Listening for Numbers

Mr. Lee is a Taiwanese businessman telephoning the Tourist Information Burea of Brunei for information about hotels in the capital city, Bandar Seri Begawan. He is on the phone as this dialog starts.
Guide:  Travel Information. May I help you?

Mr. Lee:  Yes. I am looking for the addresses and phone numbers of a few hotels in the capital city. First of all, can you tell me where the Princess Inn is located?

Guide:  That's at the Second Kilometer mark on Jalan Tutong Road, about 2.5 kilometers west of the city centre.

Mr. Lee:  I see. Could you give me their phone number?

Guide:  The area code for Bandar Seri Begawan is 02. The number for the hotel is 241128.

Mr. Lee:  Thanks. How about the Jubilee Hotel? I already know their address and just need their phone number.

Guide:  Sure. They're at 228-070, area code 02.

Mr. Lee:  OK. There are just two other hotels I'm interested in. Could you tell me where the Brunei Hotel is located?

Guide:  Their address is at First Kilometer mark in Jalan Pemancha.

Mr. Lee:  Where's that?

Guide:  It is in the southern part of the city.

Mr. Lee:  And how can I ring them?

Guide:  They're at 242-372.

Mr. Lee:  OK. Finally, there's a famous hotel at the 1 Km mark in Jalan Gadong. I can't quite remember its name.

Guide:  That would be the Riverview Hotel. It is the only major hotel in that area.

Mr. Lee:  Yes? I need to contact a friend staying there. What's their number?

Guide:  02-238-238.

Mr. Lee:  Thanks so much.

Guide:  My pleasure.

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