Unit 4: Listening Activities

Dialog B

Mark and Mindy have almost finished dinner at a restaurant. The manager of that restaurant approaches them with an interview form.

Manager: Excuse me. Our restaurant is under new management and we'd like to conduct a customer survey. Do you mind if I asked you just a few questions about this restaurant?

Mindy: No, not at all.

Mark: No problem.

Manager: First of all, how convenient do you feel this location is?

Mindy: Definitely convenient! It's close to the train station and near downtown.

Mark: I'd have to say you have a prime location - one of the best time town.

Manager: How would you rate the parking here?

Mark: I don't know - we walked from the station.

Mindy: Neither of us have cars.

Manager: How friendly are the staff?

Mark: More or less typical I'd say, wouldn't you honey?

Mindy: Yeah. Pretty much what you'd expect: polite and prompt.

Manager: And are the seats comfortable?


Mark: Oh yes - you can sink right into them. It is one of the best features of this restaurant.

Manager: How prompt was the service here today?

Mindy: Pretty fast. We were seated immediately and the food came within - hmm - I'd say 5 minutes.

Mark: For a family restaurant, this is pretty quick. At least for today. Some other days things seem slower. This is our fourth time time here.

Manager: How was the food itself?

Mindy: I'd have to say on par with a typical family restaurant. . .

Mark: Yeah. It's better than McDonalds, but by no means high-end gourmet food.

Manager: And were you satisfied with the sizes of each serving?

Mark: No way - the portions were too puny. I feel like a bird!

Mindy: Same here. Hey . . . how long is this interview gon'na last?

Manager: Just two more questions, if I may.

Mindy: OK. Well, I suppose these portions are great for dieters - but we want more volume.

Manager: How would you rate the overall price of this restaurant?

Mark: Well, I hate to complain, but things do seem a bit pricy for the quantity.

Mindy: No question. If the portions were bigger, I wouldn't mind paying the price. With these dinky portions, however, the price seems outlandish. Either cut the price or offer more quantity.

Manager: Do you have any other suggestions or recommendations?

Mindy: Yeah. This coffee tastes like paint thinner! Get some decent coffee, please! And I would love to see "blueberry pie" added to the dessert menu. Hmm!

Manager: Thank you for your time. In appreciation, I would like to offer this free coupon to both of you. This coupon will allow you to receive 25% off the price of any meal - or any two meals for the price of one. It 's valid until up through Dec. 31.

Mindy: Thanks.

Manager: Thank you again for your patronage.


- Practical English 6 -
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