R-e-s-e-t: an art work by T Newfields


Guidelines for Inner Programming

When bitter enemies cling to hate
blaming each other for their mistakes,
press your reset button and breathe.

When old fears strangle current hopes
bringing bright possibilities to muffled 'nopes'
find your pause button, please.

When only a few control the world's wealth
destroying much of our planet's health
reconsider priorities.

When many thoughts seem stale or dead
& life feels like a repetitive thread,
reboot again and reexamine core parameters.

Our hard drives needn't be error-free
but regular maintenance ensures better health.

& when we finally crash, why not relax?
Isn't all hardware someday obsolete?
Kris:   I think this author takes computer metaphors too far.
Ted:   Yeah. It's easy to reboot machines – yet what about humans?
Tim:   Well, biologically, it seems difficult. Psychologically, however, we are capable of a lot more than many people concede.