Babbit's Babble:

Thoughts on education & acquiescence

Babbit's Babble:s - a graphic manipulation by T Newfields

Zie Authorities Already Understand
All of zie Important Fucts.

Yargh role iz shut up 'n listen:
we'll tell yah how tah think 'n act.

In zis klass
you needn't use yer brains
err stretch yargh imagination far.

Just memorize what'z required ah youz
'n dun't set things a jar.

We guarantee yah a bright future
If yah follow rules respectfully:

Don't make us impose unpleasant consequences:
Obey Leaders Dutifully.
Melissa: Don't most educational systems involve various degrees of coercion?
Satoru: Yeah. If we have to coerce others to learn, perhaps something is wrong with our teaching.
Melissa: (nodding) Learning should be naturally fun and engaging.
Tim: Perhaps so, but the fact is many students aren't in learning mode. It seems some people need to be prodded. Isn't it naive to assert that education can be always pleasant or engaging?
Satoru: (shaking his head) I'm not sure. There's a good reason to resist what's often called 'learning.' A lot of so-called 'education' is like teaching cows how to become hamburgers. Why should anyone tolerate that?
Liao: Learning things doesn't necessarily mean believing in them. Can't we learn while critically questioning things, and promote change actively? To really change a system, we must first understand it.