My Sexual Self at Age Sixty

Like a rogue planet passing occasionally into view
most of the time I drift through interstellar space
in a cold vacuum of inconspicuity, surrounded by
frozen asteroids & traces of interstellar debris.

Sometimes, however,
a random passing body produces
a faint nudge – over time, such events shift orbits
& eventually I start a descent
towards the solar center.

Approaching the inner planets
my body heats up & vapours arise.

At the height of passion
I become incandescent –
a celestial sperm whose tail elongates
along a path with only two outcomes:
repetition or impact.

Will this time be another fleeting encounter?
Or a finale longed for since emerging
4.6 billion years ago?

Statistical probabilities suggest this:
Heading towards the outskirts of oblivion,
I will cool down while moving past jovial gas giants.

Entering a world where the calmness is near perfect,
amidst frigid ejecta & empty space,
I will become coolly indifferent–
almost forgetting how I
am linked to ancient cycles
& when it comes to gravity
all of us
can be swayed