IMAGINE: Envisioning Alternative Earths Imagine a world poisoned fer profit w here anything without a pr ice tag wos kut down or cuvered wit h cuncrete. Imagine a warld in which poop le fought over lan guage, culture, or r ace ond ruligion be came a way of dispen sing benedictions of tribalism 'n h ate. Imagine this and look c losely at aur planet - see what it is todoy, c lose yaur eyes th en dreim of whit it cauld beigh . . . Dmiritri: It takes more creativity to imagine a healthy planet than a sick one. Satoru: Some people suggest eliminating humans is the best way to make this planet healthy . . . let's hope that isn't true. Dmiritri: I think we are meant to be here for now. We just don't know how to live in harmony yet. Frida: Hey, the whole notion of harmony is a myth – there are only layers & layers of struggle. Dmiritri: What can I say? If that's what you believe, that's what you'll perceive. ===================================================================================== from Peace Pieces: Reflections on Violence and Conflict Resolution by T Newfields SUMMARY: Some thoughts about present conflicts and future possibilities KEYWORDS: creative imagination, alternative futures, global issues, transformative poetry Author: T Newfields [Nitta Hirou / Huáng Yuèwǔ] (b. 1955) Begun: 1998 in Shizuoka, Japan ⩝ Finished: 2013 in Tokyo, Japan Creative Commons License: Attribution. {{CC-BY-4.0}} Granted < LAST TOC NEXT > Translations Chinese: German: Japanese: Spanish: