Soldiers in the Sand:

A Message for All Armed Fighters

Does it matter which color flag you followed
when your skeleton rots in the sand?

Does it matter which ideology you believed
when maggots burrow into your hand?

Perhaps what matters is simple:
the person within your rifle cross-hairs,
the child walking towards an immanent snare,
the families near a drone attack
are like you in many ways.

Blind allegiances make people insane:
why can't we affirm what unites us
instead of seeking selfish gains?

Will we ever cease the rhetoric
poisoning our ears?

Isn't it obvious knee-jerk reactions
only lead to more bloodshed and fear?

When we look beyond dogmas,
and actually begin to see,
an ocean of suffering then appears:
how many millions have shattered dreams?
Soldier in Iraq - a digital collage by T Newfields