Hayato 19, Showa-ku, Nagoya 466-0633 Japan
TEL: 052-932-6211 * FAX: 052-832-8773
28 Nov. 2002
To Whom It May Concern:
I would like to express my high regard for Mr. Tim Newfields, both as a colleague and teacher.
As a member of our teaching team, he has displayed a keen involvement in our joint projects,
and as a senior member of staff, his counsel on teaching and student-related matters has been
invaluable. His willingness to contribute and discuss new ideas and methodolgy has been most
welcome and contructive. In addition, Mr. Newfields' extensive knowledge of his research area,
testing and evaluation, has been an asset to our team.
In the classroom, Mr. Newfields has shown himself to be cognisant of and responsive to student
needs. Whatever the student's goal, he approaches it with utmost respect. I have observed him
to be an approachable teacher who is prepared to work with students outside the classroom to
help them achieve their goals. In addition, he has sought to prepare his students for their
varied futures introducing among other things both cross-cultural simulations to sensitize them
to the subtleties of international communication, and also the use of computers in class.
I have always been impressed by his professional academic approach. He is both a committed
researcher and teacher. The range and depth of his knoweldge reflects his committment to and
interest in his job.
On a personal level, I have found Mr. Newfields to be a supportive collegue who is always
available and ready to offer advice and suggestions when required. I have no hesitation in
recommending him to any prosptective employer.
Yours sincerely,
Merryn L. Black
Associate Instructor
Nanzan Jr. College