Explorations in English

- Book Four -

GOAL: To order food at a restaurant and chit-chat while eating.

A. PRONUNCIATION FOCUS Frequently confused sounds.
Underline the word you hear in brackets, then practice both sounds.
1. I [really / rarely] did it. 4. Please come [bat / back / Buck]. 2. I like your [shirt / shirts / shots]. 5. Which [ sport / sports/spots] did you say? 3. Is it a [mat / Mac(intosh) / muck]? 6. Yes, it was [fairly / very] nice.
Answer these questions in small groups
1. How expensive are most restaurants around here? 2. What is natto? How popular is it? 3. Name a few ways Japanese and Western table manners differ. 4. Do most restaurants in Japan have non-smoking areas? 5. How common is tipping in Japan?
Masami and Bo go to an Thai restaurant in New York.
Waiter: Table for __________1? Masami: That's right. Waiter: Smoking or non-smoking? Masami: _______________2 please Waiter: This way please. Masami: This restaurant has a _________3 atmosphere. Bo: Yeah, its decorations are __________4. Waiter: Here are your menus. I'll be _____5 shortly. Bo: Hmm - everything on the menu looks delicious. Do you have any recommendations? Masami: I'm sure the fried noodles are divine. Bo: That sounds good. Waiter: Are you ready to order? Bo: Yes. I'll have the fired noodles and a _______6 cocktail. Masami: And I'll have the roast ________7. Waiter: Would you like anything to _________8? Bo: Water will suffice.
Write the answers to these questions -
1. What did Bo order? 2. Did Masami order anything to drink? 3. What did Bo want more of?
Discuss these questions in small groups
1. How often do you have Chinese food? 2. How do you like Indian food? 3. How expensive are most French restaurants in Japan? 4. Is Spanish food gaining popularity in Japan? 5. Ask more questions . . .

Explorations in English - Books 1, 2, 3, 4

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