Unit 1: Listening Task #2
Teachers' Manual

Interviews with Unsuccessful Language Learners

Dialog 1 Dialog 2 Dialog 3 Dialog 4

Dialogue 1:

A:  I'd like to ask you a few questions about your language learning experience, if it's OK?

B:  Sure.

A:  First, what's your name?

B:  Chin Chu. I don't have an English nickname. And yours?

A:  Allen. What foreign languages do you speak?

B:  Hmm. Some Cantonese - I love Hong Kong movies. Also some English.

A:  How good do you think your English ability is?

B:  Ing-wen? Not very good!

A:  Can you tell me why it's not very good?

B:  Well, I don't like it. And very I can't understand most native speakers of English. They speak too fast and I get nervous when I see a foreigner.

A:  What do you do when this happens?

B:  Well, I just usually avoid foreigners, and if they talk to me I just tell them I can't speak English and run away.

A:  What about when you hear someone speaking English and you can't understand, then what do you do?

B:  Uhhh, I usually just don't listen and if it's a movie or TV show I just read the subtitles.

A:  Hmmm, I see. Well, thanks.

B:  Sure.

Dialogue 2.

A:  Hi, my name's Charles. Would it be OK if I asked you some questions about your language learning?

B:  Yeah, sure.

A:  What's your name?

B:  Vincent.

A:  Uh, what languages do you speak, Vincent?

B:  Well, Chinese and a little English.

A:  Can I ask you why you said just "a little" English?

B:  Well, my English is really poor. I am a bad student.

A:  What do you mean?

B:  Well, I never studied much in high school of college. I had other people do my homework and I sometimes cheated on tests.

A:  Hmm...

B:  I only studied when I had a test - and then it was too late.

A:  Well, so, why did you do this?

B:  Mmmm... I think it was because I didn't want to learn English. I mean, I couldn't see the reason for learning it, so I wasn't interested.

A:  Hmmm, anything else?

B:  Well, also, I couldn't memorize all that vocabulary and grammar. So, I stopped trying.

A:  Well, thanks.

B:  You're welcome.

Dialogue 3:

A:  Hi! Would you mind if I asked you some questions about your language learning experience?

B:  OK.

A:  What's your name?

B:  Jojo.

A:  Hi Jojo, I'm Charles.

B:  Hi.

A:  So, what languages do you speak?

B:  Chinese, Japanese, and English.

A:  How is your Japanese?

B:  Pretty good, I've been there a few times.

A:  How about your English?

B:  Oh, it's terrible.

A:  Really, why?

B:  Well, I studied English for almost ten years, but I can't seem to remember any vocabulary and I forget the grammar.

A:  Well, how do you study?

B:  Uh, when my teacher tells me to do homework, I do it. But I can never remember after that.

A:  Do you use the English you learn?

B:  No, never. I don't try to speak much.

A:  How about English vocabulary?

B:  Well, when I read and see a new word, I use an electronic dictionary.

A:  Do you do anything else with the new word?

B:  No.

A:  OK, well, thanks for your time.

B:  No problem.

Dialogue 4:

A:  Hello. May I ask you a few questions about how you study foreign languages?

B:  Eeh? (in Japanese) 'Boku des'u ka?' But I am not a good ran-guage ran-ra.

A:  That's OK. First of all, what's your name?

B:  (in Japanese) 'Boku'? I am Minoru. I am a Tokyo boy.

A:  OK, Minoru. What languages do you speak?

B:  Japanese and C+++ and UNIX.

A:  How about English?

B:  Oh, Ingurishu! My Inguirishu berry guddu! Good reading. OK writing. Bad Speakingu. And berry bad ristenggu!

A:  So you can read English well, and write a little, but have problems with speaking and listening.

B:  Yes, because I use kon-pyu-taa! Much computer code in Inguiruishuu. And I, I konpyuta need for work. But usually, no speakku - just type! So my fingers speak English. My mouth (pronounced: "mouse" by Japanese) just speakku Japanese.

B:  OK. Have you tried to imrprove your English listening or speaking skills?

A:  No. I give up. Soon konpyutaa will speaku for me. I don't need to speak. Computer will do this soon!

B:  Thanks for your time.

A:  (in Japanese) 'Do itashimashite!'

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