Unit 5: Listening Task #2
Teachers' Manual

The Law in Taiwan

______________ is a professor of law at Ming Chuan University.
He studied law at ________________ and specializes in ________________.
He was interviewed in Taipei in November 1999.

Q:  ___________, thanks for doing this interview. I'd like to ask you some questions about Taiwan's laws regarding two controversial topics: abortion and the death penalty.

A:  I'll do my best to answer. You should remember that laws do change from time to time. For the most up-to-date information about Taiwan's laws, you should check ___________

Q:  OK. To the best of your knowledge, is abortion legal or illegal in Taiwan?

A:  Most of Taiwan's abortion laws date from 1985. According to those laws, it is legal under some conditions.

Q:  Such as?

A:  If pregnancy will result in a woman's death, abortion is legal. In fact, if a doctor feels that a pregnancy will result in the physical or mental harm to a woman, abortion is also legal.

Q:  I understand. Are there any other conditions in which an abortion is legal?

A:  Yes. If a woman has a serious hereditary disease or a history of insanity in her family within four generations abortion in Taiwan is legal.

Q:  Wait a minute. Let me confirm what you said. You are saying that abortion is legal if your baby is likely to have a serious disease or if your greatgrandmother was crazy?

A:  Yes. That is correct. Perhaps Chinese believe insanity runs in families.

Q:  OK. Let's take a different angle. When is an abortion illegal in Taiwan?

A:  Women under the age of 20 must have permission from their parents or husbands to have an abortion. Unless their parents or husbands approve, abortion is illegal.

Q:  I see. So how many legal abortions occur in Taiwan each year?

A:  Probably somewhere around _____________.

Q:  And is that number rising or falling?

A:  It is ________. In 1990 there were ____________.

Q:  Now I would like to ask you some questions about the death penalty in Taiwan. What crimes in Taiwan carry the death penalty?

A:  There are nearly a dozen crimes. Some are obvious such as murder. However, drug selling, rape, and even counterfeiting can also result in death. Trying to sell guns can also reault in death. In addition, if you advocate the overthrow of the government that will get you killed. And if you shelter a known criminal, you could share person's fate.

Q:  So are there any features of Taiwan's death penalty laws that are unique?

A:  Well, Chinese people have a respect for old people. People over 80 years of age will not be sentenced to death, unless they kill a close family member.

Q:  So how many people in Taiwan were executed in 1998?

A:  32.

Q:  Thanks for sharing your time with us

A:  My pleasure.

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Ming Chuan University

copyright (c) 1999 by Ming Chuan University
Ver. 1.2 - Updated 25 October 1999