Unit 5: Warm Up

  1. What are some controversial topics in Taiwan?
    ( Paraphrase: What things do many people have different opinions about here?
  2. )

  3. What's the difference between an argument and a debate?
    ( Paraphrase: How do debates differ from arguments?
  4. )

  5. What sort of things do you usually argue about with your friends?
    ( Paraphrase: What topics do you and your friends often argue over?
  6. )

  7. Are there any persons you know who are good at debating? What makes them good?
    ( Paraphrase: Name some skilled debaters and explain why are they good.
  8. )

  9. When was the last time you debated something? What did you discuss?
    ( Paraphrase: When did you last have a debate and what was it about?
  10. )

  11. Are a good debater? Why/ why not?
    ( Try to paraphrase this:  ___________________________________
  12. )

  13. How controversial are these statements?

    (A) English is a widely-used world language.

    (B) English should be a required high school subject in Taiwan.
    ( Paraphrase: All Taiwanese high school students should study English).

    (C) Ming Chuan University is one of the best universities in Taiwan.
    ( Paraphrase: Ming Chuan is among Taiwan's top universities).

    (D) Cigarette smoking should be illegal.
    ( Try to paraphrase this:  ___________________________________ )

    (E) The death penalty is the fair punishment for murder.
    ( Paraphrase: If a person kills another person on purpose, then they should be killed, too.)
  14. What of the following statements are facts? Which are opinions? Which facts are probably incorrect?

    (A) Most people in Taiwan speak some English.
    ( Try to paraphrase this:  ___________________________________ )

    (B) Cigarette smoking is a cause of cancer. ( Paraphrase: Smoking can result in cancer).

    (C) Abortion is illegal in Taiwan. ( Paraphrase: It is against the law for pregnant women in Taiwan to go to a doctor to end their pregnancy.)

    (D) Abortion is immoral. ( Paraphrase: Ending the life of an unborn child is wrong).

    (E) The death penalty exists in most Asian countries.

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- Practical English 4 -
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