Unit 1: Communication Activities

I. Agreeing / Disagreeing with Others

Agree or disagree with these statements,
using patterns such as the ones below -

	AGREE: That makes sense to me.  //  I agree with that.  //   That seems right. 
	DISAGREE: I'm afraid that makes no sense to me.  // I'm afraid I can't agree with that.  //   That doesn't seem quite right.

  1. Most Japanese are unable to speak English well because they eat too much sushi.
  2. English is widely spoken in the Philippines because it was a American colony for almost 50 years.
  3. Japan is more affulent than the Philippines because it has more mineral resources.
  4. Most people in mainland China live near the seacoast because they like to swim.
  5. Relations between Taiwan and Japan today are friendly.
  6. APEC was established to make money for big businesses.
  7. Student A: make a statement about anything, Student B: Agree or disagree.
  8. Switch roles - Student B: make a statement, Student A: Agree or disagree.
II. Talking about Directions and Distances (in pairs)

  1. What direction are you facing now?
  2. What direction is the nearest train station? How far is it?
  3. What direction is Ilan from here? How long does it take to get there?
  4. What is the northernmost city in Taiwan? The southernmost?
  5. How far is Taipei from Manilla? How about Beijing?
  6. What direction is Tokyo from here? What's the cheapest way to get there?
III. Cloze Pair Work

Your teacher will divide the class in pairs and give you each seperate handouts. Look at your own handout, but do not show yours to your partner. Try to complete the information on your handout by asking your partner these questions -

    - - - - - - - - - -  CLASSROOM HANDOUT  - - - - - - - - -  
                             Student A:

         COUNTRY           NATIONALITY     LANGUAGES           CAPITAL       MONEY USED  
   Japan (Nippon)    ________      Japanese        _______     Yen  
   The Philippines   Filippino     __________      Manila      _____________ 
   China (PRC)       _______       Chinese         _______     Renmin 
   Thailand          Thai          __________      Bangkok     _____________
   South Korea       ________      Korean          _______     Won
   Vietnam           Vietnamese    __________      Hanoi       _____________

     - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
                             Student B:

         COUNTRY           NATIONALITY     LANGUAGES           CAPITAL        MONEY USED  
   Japan (Nippon)    Japanese      ________        Tokyo       ______________
   The Philippines   _________     Pilipino        _______     Philippine Peso 
   China (PRC)       Chinese       ________        Beijing     ______________
   Thailand          _________     Thai            _______     Baht
   South Korea       South Korean  ________        Seoul       ______________
   Vietnam           _________     Vietnamese      _______     Xu

     - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
IV. Writing about Travel Destinations

Select one or two places in Asia you feel would be worth visiting.
Explain your reasons for selecting those locations.
Compare both locations.

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- Practical English 5 -
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Ming Chuan University

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