Unit 1: Word Focus

1. Words from Previous Lessons

Here are some words from previous PE units which are important in this lesson.
Do you remember these words? Can you pronounce and use them in sentences?

            affluent      ample           colonize       complex        consumer
            dialect       exchange rate   exotic         neighbor       pollution
            promote       resource        similarity     tension        ties
. . . if any of these words are unfamiliar, be sure to relearn them . . .

2. New Words to Learn

  1. Nouns:
  2. Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.
      1. corruption
      2. heavyweight
      3. province
      4. region
      5. renegade
      6. unrest
    __ a. Any part of a country outside the capital.
    __ b. Any section of an area.
    __ c. A rebel, outlaw, disloyal person.
    __ d. A very important person or group.
    __ e. Lack of calm, disquiet.
    __ f. When government workers receive dirty money.

    Complete these sentences using the words above.

    1. In boxing, fighters who are over 80 kg. are ___________.
    2. In Jan. 2000, the KMT party declared James Soong a ____________.
    3. Manila is located in the north-central ____ of the Philippines.
    4. Mainland China has over twenty _________, including Fujian, Jiansi, Hunan, etc.
    5. Some third world countries have much social _______ and government ____________.
    6. Taiwan has strong economic _______ with both Japan and the USA.

  3. Verbs:
  4. Match the words on the left with definitions on the right.
      1. export
      2. globalize
      3. manufacture
      4. stretch
    __ a. To make more worldwide and far-reaching.
    __ b. To make, produce, or construct.
    __ c. To ship for trade in a foreign country.
    __ d. To span, to extend, to cover

    Now complete the sentences below using the words from above.

    1. IBM was at first an American company, but it became _________ soon.
    2. Many Taiwanese are ______ to A-mei's voice.
    3. Russia is a huge nation that _______ across five different time zones.
    4. Taiwan ______ many computer chips to other countries.
    5. The Boeing Company _________ airplanes.

  5. Adjectives - Match the words on the left with definitions on the right.

  6.   1. (de)centralized
      2. communist
      3. ethnic
      4. in terms of
      5. populated
    __ a. Based on the theories of Karl Mark.
    __ b. Having lots of inhabitants.
    __ c. In relation to; with reference to.
    __ d. (Not) Under one central authority.
    __ e. Part of a cultural or regional group.

    Now complete the sentences below using the words from above.

    1. __________ countries such as North Korea have a __________ economy.
    2. India is the second most ________ country in the world.
    3. _____________ land area, Canada is a huge country.
    4. The western part of mainland China is not ___________ - few people live there.
    5. 98% of all people in Japan are ______ Japanese - a few are Korean, Brazilian, or Chinese.

3. Word Bank

            APEC          archipelago    castle        coast          colony
            colonize      coal           coconut       dedicated      fort  
            Malay         metropolitan   mineral       peso           Pilipino
            pineapple     scuba diving   sugarcane     Tagalog 

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