Communist Dream & Nightmare
I. The Common Rhetoric
The world is infested with economic parasites
sucking the blood of the masses
and ruthless predators
feeding upon the laboring classes
Oppressed and abused -
the proletariat must unite
to throw off the chains of injustice
which capitalist oppressors
consider natural and right
Unless the workers of the world rise up and fight
they'll remain slaves of a system
in which justice is never alive
If you believe in human dignity
and feel resources should be shared equitably
then create a better society
by joining the Communist Party.
II. The Frequent Facts
If a single party becomes the state
opposition is thwarted
& when one Government Clique controls people's fate
corruption becomes rampant
and critics are placed in graves
Mouthing rhetoric about democracy
and convenient lies about what "the people" think
communist states stifle free thought
and in the Religion of Marx
Party Leader is akin to Pope:
anyone doubting that person's authority
is branded an "enemy"
and exiled or hung from a rope
Instead of making people free –
communism fosters state slavery
When people become mere serfs of the state
basic ideals are corrupted
and society is debased.
Capitalist Dream & Nightmare
I. The Common Rhetoric
The world is an economic jungle
in which only the strongest survive.
Enlightened greed propels our economy
and competition helps excellence thrive.
Making money is a noble art
which more people should pursue.
Every opportunity should be seized from the start
and market forces determine what we do.
Onward business soldiers!
The fight for profit is inspiring!
Smart people seek out new markets
and pounce at fresh opportunities!
II. The Frequent Facts
Capitalism is but another name for greed
which makes a religion out of monetary need
and invests market demands with sanctity.
Often parading a benign guise
capitalism has a lizard's heart
which calculates production figures
with reptilian eyes.
In the Belly of the Beast
as the macro-economy churns.
Capitalism's appetite is insatiable
and as more resources are devoured
its lust to devour more burns.
Copyright (c) 1997, 2004 by T Newfields. {{CC-BY-3.0}}