Engendering assessment literacy:
Narrowing the gap between teachers and testers

Appendix A:

Two poems about testing, assessment, and teaching by the author

1. TeACHErs?
Are most teachers teachers
or mechanical teaching machines?

Do they see students as independent learners
or just objects to be lectured to
and injected with ideologies?

Do they view classrooms as places for discovery
or merely worker training factories?

Do they regard errors as interesting conjectures
or aberrations to be covered with ink?

The next time you enter a classroom
take a moment to think:
What do you care about most -
rituals fostering mediocrity?
standard tests measuring trivial things?
or perhaps helping people
discover their dreams?

(from Crassroom Voices, p. 58)

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2. ABC University
Welcome to ABC University -
a place to get a manufactured degree
with little scholastic effort and lots of money.

After receiving your bank deposit
and conducting a few perfunctory tests
you'll receive a student number
and nominal syllabus.

Lessons are in sterile, stuffy rooms
by undistinguished staff unclear what to do.

Semester finals consist of hazy, multiple-choice mazes
full of ambiguity 'n error –
but hey, we quickly churn out grades!

We're proud of our university's rich heritage –
and especially our wealthy alumni
who protect the status quo
insuring that
a fixed quota of bodies enter our doors
'n commericalism thrives.

(from Crassroom Voices, p. 43)

Main Article Appendix A Appendix B
Copyright (c) 2007 by Tim Newfields

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