Noel: So what was this hullabaloo all about?
Tara: We may never know.
Orathip: Doesn't all endeavor amount to but footprints on sand?
Tara: Sure, but that doesn't mean stand still.
Gwen: I enjoyed some of the images.
Noel: And a few of the poems were zany.
Tara: Good enough. This sand mandala is finished.

7 Ways to Generate Joy

Seven Ways to Generate Joy (Sphere 1) - an art work by T Newfields 1.
Have a spirit
of gratitude
and curiosity
See each event
as a spiritual message
Seven Ways to Generate Joy (Sphere 2) - an art work by T Newfields
Seven Ways to Generate Joy (Sphere 3) - an art work by T Newfields 3.
Consider yourself
a temporary custodian of things -
not as the actual owner
Observe ways that
inner and outer
mirror each other
Seven Ways to Generate Joy (Sphere 4) - an art work by T Newfields
Seven Ways to Generate Joy (Sphere 5) - an art work by T Newfields 5.
time travel
this moment
Focus on the big picture
and details will eventually
fall in place
Seven Ways to Generate Joy (Sphere 6) - an art work by T Newfields
Seven Ways to Generate Joy (Sphere 7) - an art work by T Newfields 7.
Remember what's more
important than joy
then dissolve -
let go regularly

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Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 by T Newfields. All rights reserved.
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