Altruistic Love? - an art work by T Newfields
Cindy: Do you think altruistic love is possible?
Bai-Luo: A wise man once said that essentially all love is selfish. However, as we grow our notion of "self" changes. If your identity expands to include the entire creation, then this question becomes moot.
Cindy: (shaking her head) It's easy to be deluded about love. I think we have to accept there's always some kind of agenda present. If people are transparent about their agendas, that is fine. However, most people are too afraid to be transparent.
Don: I suspect many people are only partly conscious of what their agendas are. Moreover, it is not uncommon to have multiple and sometimes conflicting agendas.
Aiko: (exasperated) You guys are frozen in so many ways. Why are so many people understanding their own hearts?