Nonsense from the Heart

by T Newfields

Rather than a polished statement, this as an exploration of the mystery of love. This work has no singular manifesto or ideology. Moving through many vignettes, you'll notice that most of these poems, art works, and dialogs are ripe with contradictions. This is no accident. I believe contradictions are a previous source of new insights and chance to bend our conceptions. Uniformity is a sign of stagnation. If everything in the universe were uniform, why even bother to write? To me it seems that the best in us comes out when we explore varied experiences, sometimes stepping beyond our comfort zones. Well-domesticated creatures following the gestapos of conformity might object to such a statement. However, those with a wild streak, an irrepressible bit of fire in their blood, know it is an essential credo: we were born for wildness, and loving is best when not fully tame.


alchemizing lustartistic intentdeconstructing loveemotional syntaxerotic affirmationsincomprehensibilitylove's ubiquitypolylingual prateprimeval pagan goddessrelationshipsromantic mythsunwritten poetry


2 Seasons of Love at Age 17 and 70Altruistic Love? A Perplexed Mathematician's LoveAt the Heart of Each Rose At the Root of JoyAttractionBare NecessityBetter InterpretationBehind the RingBeyond the Shroud BirthingCon Tenerezza Con Tenerezza?Each Full MoonEnvelopingFertile SoilsLiving Ink First-Rate Love For Her FriendsFrom the KilnFull SpectrumsHeart GeometriesHearts and Lives Heart in SpaceIndispensable GadgetsInto LoveJest RaightLessons from former loversLifestreams 1 Lifestreams 2Love Birth Living InkLoveGrammarLoveMadeLoveseedzLovestart Night BloomNocturne in C Out of LovePungencyRootengSacramentSaved from the FlamesSecrets of MenSecrets of Women Spring MemoryStar FinderSynergyThe Birth of VenusThe Dance of LightThe Colors of Love Those Moments Through the Chambers of the HeartTo Light?To LoveThis Candle Skin to Skin Touch of Life Touch of Life 2Neuro-AlchemyUne Extréité Venus of Willendorf When Two Hearts Become One Where Butterfly Wings are Made7 things I wish my lover would whisper in my ear