Nonsense from the Heart
by T Newfields
Rather than a polished statement, this as an exploration of the mystery of love.
This work has no singular manifesto or ideology.
Moving through many vignettes, you'll notice that most of these poems, art works, and dialogs are ripe with contradictions.
This is no accident. I believe contradictions are a previous source of new insights
and chance to bend our conceptions.
Uniformity is a sign of stagnation. If everything in the universe were uniform, why even bother to write?
To me it seems that the best in us comes out when we explore varied experiences, sometimes stepping beyond our comfort zones.
Well-domesticated creatures following the gestapos of conformity might object to such a statement.
However, those with a wild streak, an irrepressible bit of fire in their blood,
know it is an essential credo: we were born for wildness, and loving is best when not fully tame.