Explorations in English

- Book Two -

GOAL:(1) To chit chat about cars and explain basic highway events.
(2) to go through a standard routine at a gas station.

A. CULTURE FOCUS Discuss these questions in small groups: 1. Are traffic accidents high or low in Japan? 2. How long does it take to get a drivers license in this country? 3. How expensive is it to get a Japanese driving license? 4. How difficult is it to get a driving license here? B. LISTENING/SPEAKING FOCUS Hitomi and Julian are classmates are both interested in cars - Hitomi: Do you drive? Julian: I've got a ___________1, but no car. My car was ________2. Hitomi: Really? How did that happen? Julian: A truck rear-ended me. Hitomi: A truck? Were you ____________3? Julian: I was bruised ____________4, but the other driver was uninjured. Hitomi: I'm glad your not seriously _____________5. The next day Hitomi drives to a gas station - Hitomi: Fill it up! Clerk: ___________6 or regular? Hitomi: Premium, please. Clerk: Shall I __________7 the oil? Hitomi: No thanks. I had it checked last week. Clerk: Shall I wipe your ______________8? Hitomi: Yes, please. Clerk: That comes to ____________9 dollars. Hitomi: Here's ten. Clerk: Here's your _______________10. Art: Have a nice day! C. CONTENT QUESTIONS Write the answers to these questions below: 1. What kind of gas did Hitomi purchase? ______________________________________________ 2. What was the gas station bill? _____________________________________________________ 3. How was Hitomi's car totaled? ____________________________________________________ D. GRAMMAR FOCUS active vs. passive Circle the most likely expression(s) 1. I [drove/ was driven] to school. 2. My car [crashed / was crashed] into a truck. 3. My car [hit / was hit] by a truck. 4. The car [stopped / was stopped] by the police. E. ROLE PLAY Work in pairs with a partner: A: You work at a gas station. Give full service to Person B, who is a motorist. B: You are a motorist. Your tank is empty and oil low. Drive into a gas station and ask for full service. F. COMMON MISTAKES Correct these errors, then discuss in class: 1. *I am a safety driver. 2. *I met a car accident. 3. *A truck crushed into my car. G. FURTHER DISCUSSION Using these patterns, talk about driving: * How often do you __________? * How well do you _______________? * How long have you been ____? * Have you ever _________________?
copyright (c) 1997 by Tim Newfields

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