Explorations in English

- Book Two -

GOAL: To discuss various health problems and offer some advice.

A.  REVIEW   Work in groups of 2-3 and review the previous 8 lessons,
                            switching teacher and student roles.

B.  PRONUNCIATION - Read these sentences at natural speed.

       1.  The primary cause of lung cancer is smoking.
       2.  Health costs in Japan are rising steadily.
       3.  A proper diet, exercise, and adequate sleep are essential
           for health.

           Listen and write down the following sentences you hear below.

       1.  _____________________________________________________
       2.  _____________________________________________________
       3.  _____________________________________________________

C.  CULTURE FOCUS  Discuss these questions in small groups:

       1.  Are there enough doctors in Japan?
       2.  Are most doctors in Japan reliable?
       3.  What is the difference between Eastern and Western medicine?
       4.  What is "hari"? What is "kikou"? How common are they in Japan?
       5.  How often do most people in Japan get a check up?

                           SITUATION 1

  PERSON A:   You are traveling abroad and catch the runs. 
              Go to a pharmacy and buy some medicine.

  PERSON B:   You are a pharmacist and understand some English,
              but almost no Japanese. Help PERSON A.
KEY WORDS: diarrhea - having to rush to the bathroom a lot because of lack of bowel control. (causal speeech: the runs)
                           SITUATION 2

  PERSON A.   You work at a large supermarket with a corner which
              sells many over-the-counter drugs. You speak some English, 
              but don't understand Japanese.

  PERSON B.   Last night you drank too much and today you have a hangover. 
              Try to find some medicine for your hangover.
KEY WORDS: hangover - a feeling of sickness which follows heavy drinking
                           SITUATION 3

  PERSON A:   You are living in Rome and have fallen in love with
              a nice Italian person. Three months after you
              first made love, you think you might be pregnant. 
              Consult with a doctor.

  PERSON B:   You are a medical doctor. Talk with PERSON A and
              suggest the options that are available to her. 
KEY WORDS: confirm/check pregnant period regular/irregular pregnant - having an unborn child inside period - a monthly cycle of blood flow most women experience from their teens to their early 50's. give birth - have a baby give (a baby) up for adoption - let another person become the parent of ones child have an abortion - end the life of an unborn child

E.  GRAMMAR FOCUS: Explaining the difference between two related terms

         A: What's the difference between _____ and ____?
         B: It's hard to explain. [COMMENT]. Is that clear?
         A: Yes/no.

      1. headache / fever           2. diarrhea / the runs
      3. sickness / disease         4. remedy / cure
      5. drug / medicine            6. medication / narcotic

F.  COMMON MISTAKES Correct these errors individually, then discuss in class:

       1. *I had a human-dock last year.    2. * I have a watery nose.
       3. *I have a little sick.            4. * My nose is stuff.
copyright (c) 1997 by Tim Newfields

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