Explorations in English

- Book Two -
LESSON 12. "Let's Stay in Touch!"

GOAL: To discuss future plans and say farewell greetings to friends.

  1. Have you heard any good jokes lately?
  2. Recently have you seen any good movies?
  3. How concerned are you about the economy?
  4. How high are taxi fares around here?
  5. What places around here do you recommend seeing?
  6. How are prices at the Isetan department store?
  7. Care for a drink after class?
  8. How prestigious is this university?
  9. How do Paris and London differ?

  1. What foreign languages are gainining popularity in Japan?
  2. How widely is English spoken in Japan?
  3. Are most Japanese good language learners? (Why / why not?)
  4. Which has more prestige here, American English or British English?
  5. Can you think of any famous Japanese who speak English well?
  6. Can you think of any Japanese words which are used in English?
  7. Do you believe in the proverb, "Friendship grows fonder with time"?
  8. What are some Japanese words which don't translate into English?
  9. Continue

  1. What's another way of saying "time flies"?
  2. What's another way of saying "slightly"?
  3. What's the opposite of this expression?
  4. What are some other ways of saying "improve"?
  5. What's the opposite of this expression?
  6. What's the difference between "finish off" and "complete"?
  7. What's the difference between "enough" and "adequate"?
  8. How polite is the expression "dying to . . . "?
  9. What are some other ways of saying, "Let's stay in touch"?
Now ask your partner some questions using these words:
*time flies, * slightly, * improve, *complete, *enough, *dying to

Keiko and Nauen have been studying English together for several months.
They are chatting together shortly before their last class.
	Keiko:  This is the last class, isn't it?
	Nauen:  Yeah. Time sure ______1. It seems like our class has only just begun.
	Keiko:  Have you gained much from this course?
	Nauen:  It's hard to say. My pronunciation has ___________2 slightly, perhaps.
	        I've gained as much as can be expected, I suppose. How about you?
	Keiko:  Frankly speaking, I am ___________3 disappointed. The lessons weren't focussed enough.
	Nauen:  I suppose thaat's so. So do you plan to enroll in the next course?
	Keiko:  I haven't _______4 up my mind. How about you?
	Nauen:  Most likely. This is a good time slot for me and the ________5 is reasonable.
	Keiko:  So perhaps we'll run into ________6 other again.
	Nauen:  I hope so. I'd like to send you a New Year's Card. May I ask for your __________7?
	Keiko:  Sure. Here's my name card. [handing it to Nauen].
	Nauen:  Thanks. Here's my address. [handing a card to Keiko].
	        By the way, ____________8 are your winter vacation plans?
	Keiko:  I'm still undecided. I'll probably do some sight-seeing. I'm dying to see the ___________9.
	        How about you?
	Nauen:  My schedule is __________10. I have to finish off some work, but it would be nice to travel, too.
	Keiko:  Let's stay in touch!
	Nauen:  Let's.

  1. Has Keiko gained much from her course? _____________________________________________
  2. How satisfied is Nauen with her course? ____________________________________________
  3. Where will Keiko go this winter? ___________________________________________________
  4. Do you think Keiko and Nauen will stay in contact?__________________________________

F. GRAMMAR FOCUS: "It seems like ________________"


Describe some of your impressions of things such as this class,
the teacher, this area, and people from different countries using the phrase "It seems like _________".


Agree or disagree with your partner.

  1. How would you rate this course?
  2. What was the most valuable part of this course for you? What was least valuable?
  3. Do you plan to continue your English studies? If so, how?
  4. What are your winter vacation plans?
  5. Do you have any important projects to finish off this week?
  6. Is there any place you're dying to visit?
  7. How often do you use English?
  8. Frankly speaking, how do you like English?
  9. Has your English improved much recently?
  10. Continue asking questions.

copyright (c) 1997 by Tim Newfields

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