Explorations in English- Book Two -

GOAL: To chit chat about sports and understand basic sports announcements.

A. REVIEW OF PREVIOUS LESSONS Respond to these questions -

    1. What's the chance of rain tomorrow?
    2. What sort of eyes does your mother have?
    3. A decade ago where did you live?
    4. How's the humidity today?
    5. Can you give me a description of your best friend?
    6. Is alcohol legal or illegal in Japan?

    Match the terms on the left with the expressions on the right.

    1. _____ root for         a. to be defeated or beaten in a game 
    2. _____ win              b. to be victorious or triumph in a game 
    3. _____ lose             c. to support, to be a fan of
    4. _____ packed           d. very crowded
    5. _____ tie              e. a sport of fighting by hands
    6. _____ compete          f. to have an even score, equal score
    7. _____ wrestling        g. to go against, to challange

C. PRONUNCIATION FOCUS Discuss these questions in small groups:

    1. What (spots / sports) do you like?
    2. Do you admire any professional (*ass-a-leads / athletes)?
    3. Do you like to play (?valley ball / volleyball)?
    4. What baseball team do you (root / ?loot) for?
    5. Are you much of a (soccer / ?sucker) fan? 

D. CULTURE FOCUS  Discuss these questions in small groups:

    1.  What are some popular sports in this country?
    2.  What sports are gaining popularity? Are any sports loosing popularity?
    3.  Can you explain these sports: (a) sumo, (b) kendo, (c) kung-fu.
    4.  What professional atheletes are popular here?

E. LISTENING/SPEAKING  Pat is chatting with her new friend Bo in a cafe.

    Pat:   What sports are you into?
    Bo:    _____________1 and ______________2. How about you?
    Pat:   Soccer and fencing.
    Bo:    Have you played soccer _____________3?
    Pat:   No. My schedule has been ____________4. How about you?
    Bo:    Last summer I watched a _____________5 game.  I haven't played for ages.
    Pat:   Are you a _____________6 fan?
    Bo:    Yep. How about you?
    Pat:   I root _______________7.
    Bo:    Aren't they are playing ____________8 on Sunday?
    Pat:   Sure, but the tickets are ___________9 out.
    Bo:    Hey, I've got an extra ticket. Would you ___________10 to go?
    Pat:   You bet!

        A few days later Pat and Bo chat inside the Stadium

    Bo:    This place is ____________11!
    Pat:   Yeah, we were lucky to find a seat.
    Bo:    Who do you think will win?
    Pat:   ______________12. They're strong this season.
    Bo:    continue . . . ___________________________

F.  CONTENT QUESTIONS     Answer these questions:

    1.  Is Pat into baseball? __________________________________________
    2.  Has Bo played soccer recently? _________________________________
    3.  What team does Pat root for? ___________________________________
    4.  How crowded was the stadium on Sunday?__________________________

G.  GRAMMAR FOCUS  "would like" vs. "want"

    Which expression is best for these?

    EXAMPLE: You offer to help a stranger  -- "Would you like some help?"

    1. When inviting your boss to dinner.
    2. When inviting your younger sister to a movie.
    3. When working at a store and asking a customer if he/she needs help.
    4. When suggesting a date to your darling.
    5. When an old person is having trouble with a bag and you offer to help.

H.   COMMON MISTAKES  Correct these errors, then discuss in class:

    1. *I like to pray soccer.                   2. *How often to you play kung-fu?
    3. *Can you play ski?.                       4. *I like to watch baseball nighters.

I.   FURTHER DISCUSSION  Discuss these questions in small groups:
    1. Are you into any sports?                  2. How do you like soccer?
    3. Do you root for any baseball team?        4. How often do you watch sports on TV?
    5. In high school what sports did you play?  6. Continue to ask more questions . . .
copyright (c) 1997 by Tim Newfields

Explorations in English: Book 2
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