Explorations in English

- Book Two -

GOAL:To discuss musical preferences and make reservations.


Respond to these questions-
1. What's your monthly phone bill? 2. How popular is pachinko in Japan? 3. What does your father look like? 4. How's the weather today? 5. What's the difference between Shinto and Buddhism? 6. How outgoing is your mother? 7. Is alcohol legal in Japan?
Pronounce these sentences with natural rhythm in English
1. There are many different musical genres. 2. Classical, rock, jazz, and pops are common genres. 3. The term "classical", too, can be categorized in many ways. 4. Western classical music is often categorized into five genres: renaissance, baroque, classical, romantic, and modern. 5. Famous baroque composers include Bach, Handel, and Vivaldi. 6. Famous classical composers include Mozart, Hadyn, and Beethoven. 7. Japanese classical music consists primarily of music for noh, kabuki, and court ceremonies.
Discuss these questions in small groups:
1. What is a "live house"? Are there many around here? 2. What kind of music is gaining popularity in Japan? 3. What are the major concert halls in this area? How often do you go there? 4. How does traditional Japanese music differ from Western music? 5. Can you name any famous Japanese composers or musicans? What is their music like?
Match the terms on the left with the expressions on the right.
1. _____ lyrics a. some extra music at the end of a concert 2. _____ refrain b. the words of a song 3. _____ finale c. people listening to a concert 4. _____ Intermission d. part of a song repeated over and over 5. _____ encore e. a person who performs music alone 6. _____ soloist f. a 5-15 minute break in a concert 7. _____ audience g. the end part of a musical piece.
Keiko is chatting with her new friend Chris in a cafe.
Keiko: What sort of music are you into? Chris: Anything but _______1. How about you? Keiko: Mostly _____________2, but some contemporary black and reggae. Chris: Have you been to any concerts _____________3? Keiko: Not for ________4. The admission is usually steep. How about you? Chris: Well, I'm going to ______5 recital this coming Sunday and have an extra ticket. Would you like to ____________6? Keiko: That sounds nice. What time does the ___________7 start? Chris: At 7:15. Shall we meet for dinner before then? Keiko: That sounds nice. Allow me to ________8 you for dinner. Chris: That sounds like a fair exhchange. Where shall we meet? Keiko: In front of the south _______9 of the Shizuoka JR Station. Chris: OK? Shall we say 5:45? Keiko: Let's make it 6:00 - I don't want to be ___________10.
After the concert, Keiko and Chris chat about the music -
Chris: How did you like the music? Keiko: The second piece was great; the others just so so. How about you? Chris: The final piece was a bit too modern for me - the _______12 of the concert I enjoyed, however? Keiko: Have you heard the soloist before? Chris: No. She is just starting her ____________13.
Answer these questions -
1. How does Chris like enka? _____________________________________ 2. Besides reggae, what kind of music does Keiko like? _______________________________________________________________ 3. What kind of concert does Chris have a ticket for? _______________________________________________________________ 4. How did Chris like the concert?________________________________
Correct these errors, then discuss in class:
1. * She loves classic music. 2. * I like pops music. 3. * Can you play piano? 4. * I like to hear rock 'n roll.
Discuss these questions in small groups:
1. Are you into any music? 2. How well do you sing? 3. Do you have any favorite composer? 4. Is there any performer you like? 5. Do you have many CDs? 6. Continue to ask more questions . . .
copyright (c) 1997 by Tim Newfields

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