Unit 5: Basic Exercises

I. Comprehension Questions         - Suggested Answers -

  1. According to this article, what are the four basic stages of a debate?
  2. What are the main arguments given for and against making university students in Taiwan study English?
  3. Mention the main arguments for and against abortion.
  4. What are the main arguments for and against capital punishment?
  5. What percentage of pregnant women in the world have abortions?
  6. According to this article, how many people were executed in 1998?
II. Questions for Further Exploration         - Suggested Answers -

  1. Do you tend enjoy debating?
  2. Have you ever had a rewarding debate?
  3. What's your position on abortion?
  4. What is your belief about the death penalty?
  5. Do you support this school's policy of not allowing cigarette smoking on campus?
III. Grammar Focus         - Suggested Answers -

INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the sentences below, choosing the best word in parentheses.

  1. Many Taiwanese are afraid (about, of, in) debating in English.
  2. They worry (about, of, in) how to be polite, yet firm.
  3. When a controversy comes (out, up, through), many avoid expressing their opinions.
  4. This can result (about, of, in) a serious communication gap.
  5. The persons you are talking (about, of, with) might think you agree with them.
  6. Therefore it is worth learning more (about, of, in) effective debating.
  7. When you state your position (about, at, out) first, be clear and firm.
  8. And use strong facts to back (in, of, up) your views.
  9. Finally, also point (in, out, up) the weak points of your rival's view.

IV. Paraphrasing         - Suggested Answers -

One of the goals of this chapter is to help you paraphrase better. To 'paraphrase' means to express same idea in different words. Match the sentences below (1 - 5) with the paraphrases (A - E). The first sentences are already matched for you.

- Statements for Gun Control -

  1. I support stricter laws limiting gun access.
  2. The main reason is that guns make violence too easy.
  3. Statistics prove violent crimes are more common in places with guns.
  4. Having a gun won't stop most crimes - it just makes bloody accidents more likely.
  5. In conclusion, we should keep guns away from the general public.
  1. ____ In summary, most people are better off without guns.
  2. ____ Guns can't prevent most crimes - they merely increase the chance of violence.
  3. ____ We need tougher laws concerning who can own a gun.
  4. ____ The crime rate in places where guns are legal is higher than other places.
  5. ____ Why? Because guns make it too simple to commit violent crimes.

- Statements against Gun Control -

  1. The laws about gun ownership are already strict enough.
  2. Changing the laws won't reduce crime - criminals will still have guns.
  3. Can we always depend on the police? People need guns for self-protection!
  4. Unfortunately, to protect our homes and family these days guns are needed.
  5. The solution is to put more criminals in jail, not taking guns away from other people.
  1. ____ Creating new laws will not stop crime - law-breakers will still keep guns.
  2. ____ The police aren't dependable all the time - guns provide some defense.
  3. _#1 The existing gun laws are tough enough.
  4. ____ Sadly today, to keep our homes and dear ones safe firearms are necessary.
  5. ____ What we need to do is put more law-breakers in prison, and allow others to keep guns.
V. Structured Composition: A Sample Debate         - Suggested Answers -

INSTRUCTIONS: The sentences in this debate about cigareete smoking are out-of-order. Rearrange the statements below into a good debate sequence. Complete all of the statments for prohibiting smoking on campus first, then all statements for permitting smoking on campus. The first statements are already complete.

Statements for No Smoking on Campus:

  1. ____ The main reason is that a good university should care about its students, not just the knowledge they receive.

  2. _#1 I support the policy of not allowing smoking campus. Let me explain why.

  3. ____ Once again, I believe in keeping cigarettes far away from students. It is true that some students break the school rule and smoke anyway. However, many students here don't smoke. Just because some people break a rule, should we lower our standards? We should encourage people to stay away from the dirty habit of smoking.

  4. ____ Since smoking is an addictive habit which weakens the body and wastes money, we should discourage people from starting this bad habit.

  5. ____ Also, smokers create dirty smoke which smells bad. Is it fair for non-smokers to have to breathe this dirt?

Statements against No Smoking on Campus:

  1. ____ Again, the issue comes down to freedom. If you don't want to smoke, fine. But smokers also have rights. Rather than forcing us to smoke in secret, give us places to smoke where we won't bother others.

  2. ____ In Taiwan all people over the age of 18 are permitted to smoke. MCU should recognize this and not try to create its own special laws.

  3. _#1 I oppose the policy of outlawing smoking. I'll explain why smoking should be legal on campus.

  4. ____ Moreover, students should be treated like adults and allowed to make their own decisions; they are old enough to know what they should or shouldn't do.

  5. ____ The truth is many university students are already smoking. We should recognize this and let them smoke in special rooms. Can you say the current policy of not allowing smoking on campus is successful?

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