Unit 5: Word Focus

I. Glossary

  1. Nouns:
  2. Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.

      1. abortion
      2. advocate
      3. affirmation
      4. claim
      5. controversy
      6. evidence
      7. issue
      8. murder
      9. opponent
    10. penalty
    11. right
    __ a. A just or legal claim.
    __ b. A topic in which two or more people have opposing views.
    __ c. A person in favor of something.
    __ d. A person who opposes you - a rival or perhaps an enemy.
    __ e. A positive statement of what you believe in.
    __ f. A punishment for a crime.
    __ g. A topic or subject.
    __ h. Ending a pregnancy on purpose without a live birth.
    __ i. In debate, usually a belief without factual support.
    __ j. Something which supports a position.
    __ k. The illegal killing of another person.

    Now complete the sentences below using the words from above. More than one word is possible for some statements.

    1. Are UFOs a fact or an empty ___________________?
    2. "I believe in one God" is a common _____________________.
    3. Chiang Kai Shiek was an ___________________ of communism.
    4. Dr. Sun Yet Sen was said to be an _________ of democracy.
    5. In many places, the penalty for _________ is death.
    6. In Taiwan, the ___________ for carrying illegal drugs is death.
    7. Many unmarried women who get pregnant seek _____________.

  3. Verbs:
  4. Match the words on the left with definitions on the right.

      1. advocate
      2. assert
      3. claim
      4. contrast
      5. engage in
      6. execute
      7. maintain
      8. minimize
      9. murder
    10. oppose
    11. violate
    __ a. To be against.
    __ b. To be in favor of.
    __ c. To break a rule.
    __ d. To compare and show the differences.
    __ e. To illegally kill another person.
    __ f. To hold a view or position.
    __ g. To make something seem unimportant or insignificant.
    __ h. To perform or do.
    __ i. To say without proof.
    __ j. To put to death, to carry out.
    __ k. To state, declare, or say.

    Now complete the sentences below using the words from above. More than one word is possible for some statements.

    1. Bill Gates _________ using computers in classrooms.
    2. In Iran, a Moslem who becomes Christian will be ________.
    3. It is interesting to _______ Taiwan's economy with mainland China's.
    4. One hundred years ago most Taiwanese __________ farming.
    5. Some people still _________________ the Earth is flat.
    6. Spy cameras are used in prisons to _______ violence.
    7. Students who smoke at MCU ___________ a school rule.

  5. Adjectives - Match the words on the left with definitions on the right.

  6.   1. controversial
      2. favorable
      3. inhumane
      4. just
      5. knowledgeable
      6. mutual
      7. pregnant
      8. rewarding
      9. rigid
    10. systematic
    11. sensible
    __ a. Causing debate and differences of opinion.
    __ b. Expecting a baby.
    __ c. In favor of.
    __ d. Inflexible, unbending, or stiff.
    __ e. Knowing, wise, full of wisdom about.
    __ f. Making sense.
    __ g. Methodical, orderly.
    __ h. Not kind hearted.
    __ i. Right, proper.
    __ j. Satisfying, fulfilling.
    __ k. Shared together, two-way.

    Now complete the sentences below using the words from above. Some sentences have more than one possible answer.

    1. The Chinese customs of executing some people by boiling them in water was ________.
    2. Drunk people are seldom _____________.
    3. Each year 210 million women in the world become _________.
    4. Few old people are _____________ about computers.
    5. Many of Darwin's ideas are _____________ even today.
    6. The Disney movie "Mulan" is not _________ towards the Mongols (Huns).

  7. Word Bank - Optional words

  8. adoption
    crime rate

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