Unit 8: Listening Tasks


Listen to tape and write down the correct recipes for the following cocktails.

Alexander 1/3 Brandy ___ Cream,
___ Creme de Cacao
a dash of nutmeg
Bloody Mary ___% Vodka ___% Tomato juice,
____% _____ juice,
a little Worcester sauce, Tabasco, celery salt and _______
Screw Driver 25% __________ 75% __________ and ice
Tom Collins ___% gin ___% carbonated soda water
30% ____ juice
and 1/2 tsp. of sugar

- tape transcript -        


As you hear the tape, complete the missing information in the dialog below.

- Dialog A -

Q: Tom, could you tell us how you started smoking and how you __________?

A: Sure. I started in my final year of _______ _______. I had a lot of stress and was studying hard for the college entrance exams. Smoking helped me __________ the stress - or so I thought. . .

Q: Could you explain? You don't sound __________ confident.

A: Well, in some ways, smoking actually __________ my stress. I was nervous about getting ________. And as I increased to ______ ______ a day, I noticed my basketball performance fell.

Q: So why did you ______?

A: Several reasons. I was worried about my ______. My lungs are already dirty enough just from living in ______. Why should I make my lungs even more dirty. Also, I wanted to save _______. Instead of wasting money on cigarettes, I want to save up to buy a nice _______.

Q: How long ago did you quit?

A: Just ______ ________.

Q: Was it hard to quit?

A: Yes. This is the _______ time I have tried to quit. The first time I lasted less than ______ days. The second time I last just over ____ _______. Hopefully, this will be permanent.

Q: Good luck!

A: Thanks. I may need it.

- Dialog B -

Q: Melody, could you outline how you started smoking and also how you quit?

B: Sure. To be honest, I wanted to loose weight. When I was a freshman here I thought I was overweight. I tried dieting, but it didn't work. So __ _______ ago I started smoking. When I got the urge to snack, I smoked instead. Six months after I started smoking, I was at a pack a _______.

Q: Did smoking help you loose _________?

B: I lost ______ kg. in a period of three months, but I didn't feel healthy. And my teeth became ________ from tobacco smoke, so I didn't look as good either.

Q: So why did you quit?

B: Hmmm. You want to know the truth?

Q: Yes, of course.

B: Well, my __________ is a non-smoker. He didn't like to kiss me when I was smoking. He said my breath _________. I quit smoking for my boyfriend. Now he doesn't complain about my breath.

Q: Did you find it hard to quit?

B: The first few days were _________. But my boyfriend and family have been supportive. Also, I ______ ____ less with people who are smokers. It is still hard for me to be around smokers.

Q: And how long have you gone without smoking?

B: ________ months now. I feel better. I still worry sometimes about my weight. However, exercises helps. Also, knowing I am loved makes me feel less need to eat even when I'm not ____________ hungry. I used to be a compulsive eater.

Q: Thanks for sharing your experiences with us.

B: Sure thing.

- tape transcript -        

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