Unit 8: Listening Task #1
Teachers' Manual

The Art of Cocktail Making

Jeff has worked at a bar in the United States and Taiwan.
He was interviewed recently in Taipei.

Q:  How many different kinds of cocktails are there?

A:  That's hard to answer. New cocktails are constantly invented and some old ones die out. I personally know how to make about 150 cocktails.

Q:  What cocktails are most popular in Taiwan?

A:  I hesitate to speak for the entire country. In the bar where I work, the Alexander is especially popular with younger women and the Bloody Mary seems quite popular with men.

Q:  Could you tell us how to make those cocktails?

A:  Sure. An Alexander is one-third brandy, one-third cream, and one-third creme de cacao.

Q:  OK. That is equal parts brandy and cream, then something named creme de cacao. What's that?

A:  It is a sweet liqueur with a chocolate flavor.

Q:  Let me see if I got this right. A 3 ounce Alexander is has one ounce of brandy, one ounce of cream, and one ounce of a coffee-flavored liqueur named creme de cacao. Is that correct?

A:  More or less. Most of our cocktails are more than 3 ounces, but you have basically the right idea. And people usually add a dash of nutmeg on the top.

Q:  Did you say nutmeg?

A:  That's right. It's a common spice.

Q:  OK. What about a Bloody Mary?

A:  Now a Bloody Mary consists of mostly of vodka, tomato juice, and lemon juice.

Q:  OK. You mentioned three ingredients: vodka, tomato juice, and lemon juice. What's the ratio?

A:  Roughly 50% tomato juice, 30% vodka, and 20% lemon juice. So to make a typical drink, add 6 cl of tomato juice to 4 cl vodka and 2 cl of lemon juice

Q:  Is that it?

A:  No. You add two dashes of Worcester sauce with one dash of Tabasco with a little celery salt and salt. If you don't know what these are, Worcester sauce is a sort of barbeque soy sauce. And think of Tabasco as a spicy ketchup.

Q:  Now before working in Taipei you were working in New York. What sort of cocktails were especially popular there?

A:  At the bar I was working at, the Screw Driver and Tom Collins were quite popular.

Q:  And could you tell us how to make them?

A:  Sure. The Screwdriver is easy to make. Just add an ounce or two of vodka to a glass full of ice cubes, then four or five ounces of orange juice.

Q:  That sounds easy. Just add orange juice to vodka

A:  Yeah. An average drink is about four parts orange juice to one part vodka, plus ice.

Q:  OK. How do you make a Tom Collins?

A:  It's also easy. This drink is about 50% carbonated soda water, 30% lemon juice, and 20% gin, with half a tablespoon of powdered sugar.

Q:  OK. So for a typical size drink, could you explain that again?

A:  Sure. To 5 cl of carbonated soda water, add 30 cl of lemon juice, and 20 cl of gin, and 1/2 tsp of powdered sugar. Shake these ingredients together with ice and pour into a glass, then add ice cubes.

Q:  Thanks for explaining this to me.

A:  My pleasure.

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