The queerness in me
& queerness in you
iz nothing compared ta
the strangeness ah
20th Century Amerika
which rapes the environment
fooks nature
sodomizes people
& destroys anything
it dozn't understand
Heavy karma –
no doubt about it
Sing a kaddish
fer its tainted
Big Macs
& vermin-infested apple pies
If we chant
genuine nonsense
& howl at monstrosity
some people might awaken
There's a chance
a few closet doors will open
as sum recognize how death hippens each day
in a million ways,
butt new art manifests again & again.
Was 20th century America this weird?
Yeah. In many ways America could be described as an Evil Empire:
Mammon incarnate lived comfortably around Capital Hill.
And what did Alan Ginsberg do about it?
(shrugging his shoulders) What could any person do? Name the monstrosity and pray for awakening.