Applied Linguistics - an art work, quasi-poem, & pseudo-dialog by T Newfields

Looking at her NP traces
and pronominals of intimacy
I noticed unfamiliar word clauses
governing my heart’s grammar, but resisted -
ah, the agony of theories!


Even though her applications were restricted
and the generative possibilities seemed finite
soon we began of series of transformations
in which my NP clause was inserted
into a postnomial antecedent:
to my surprise, the result felt lexically right!


She was positively polyphonical!
Still, this was no concern:
the English language has been twisted so much
that lexical butchery is no longer spurned.

her deep structures
were unexposed
and that syntactic climax was a possibility
I mounted her primary clause through a semantic split.
Ah - the joys of proverbial fronting!