* What was the foreign culture like? Describe each foreign culture. * What did the foreign culture members seem to value? What did their rules seem to be? * How did the first observers feel in the foreign culture? * How did the native culture participants feel about the visitors who attempted to do business? Did they do anything which upset you? * What seemed to help the communication process? What hindered it? * What were the rules and values of your native culture? * How did you feel about your native culture? * Did you like one culture more than another? Why? * In what ways might this simulation be similar to visiting a foreign country? * In what ways is it probably different?
"This simulation is all about learning from mistakes. Before participants do the simulation, it is probably important to remind them to expect some mistakes and not worry when things don't go smoothly." |
Abstract | ![]() |
Introduction | Rationale | BáFá BáFá | NaZa NaZa |
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