Publications by T Newfields:
Chronological Index
March 2023
A task-based approach to translation in two Japanese tertiary EFL contexts. [with Ivan Botev].
Bulletin of Toita Women's College. Vol 65. p. 63-84.
March 2022
「コロナ・パンデミック時代のコミック・ブックの性格 ~アメリカ人の心の洞察~」
Comic Book Characters in the Age of the Corona Pandemic: Insights into the American Psyche. In H. Kondoh, S. Xu, T. Newfields, & K. Toeda. 中典から現代における冥界 [The Underworld from the Middle Ages to Modern Times].
Toyo Daigaku Keizai Ronshuu. 47 (2). 145-148.
English translation of the Japanese article on 干しいも
in Wikipedia.
Feb. 2022
English translation of the Japanese article on かまくら
in Wikipedia.
November 2021
English translation of the Japanese article on 忖度
in Wikipedia.
September 2021
English version of the Japanese article on 箱根温泉
in Wikipedia
July 2021
Raising Student Consciousness about Machine Translations. [with Ivan Botev].
In P. Clements, R. Derrah, & P. Ferguson (Eds.) Communities of teachers & learners: Proceedings of the 2020 Annual JALT Conference.
JALT. p. 386-396.
March 2020
The Economics of Death: Case Studies from Japan and the USA.
In S. Xu, T. Newfields, H. Kondoh, & K. Toeda. 中世から近代における冥界 [The Underworld from the Middle Ages to Modern Times].
Toyo Daigaku Keizai Ronshuu. 45 (2). 2-4.
December 2019
Enhancing Student Mobility: A Comparison of Strategies in Taiwan and Japan.
Toyo Daigaku Keizai Ronshuu. 45 (1). 1-10.
December 2018
Book Review: Chinese Overseas Students and Intercultural Learning Environments.
[with Ivan Botev]. Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 11 (2). 38-42.
Book Review: Developing Interactional Competence in a Japanese Study Abroad Context.
[with Ivan Botev]. Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 11 (2). 43-46.
March 2018
An Information Theory Perspective on Study Abroad: Evidence from Taiwan & Japan.
Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 10 (1). 2-11.
December 2017
Online Identities of Taiwanese and Japanese EFL Learners.
Toyo Daigaku Keizai Ronshuu. 43 (2). 1-21.
March 2017
Linguistic Identity: What is it? Why is it important? And how can it be learned?.
In S. Ichida (Ed.) 東洋大学人間科学総合研究所特別研究「多文化理解と言語教育」2016年度成果報告書. [Toyo University Human Sciences Research Institute Special Research "Multicultural Understanding and Language Education"
2016 Summary] (p. 42 - 56). Tokyo, Japan: Toyo University.
February 2017
Book Review: Student Learning Abroad: What Our Students Are Learning, What They’re Not, and What We Can Do About It.
Edited by M. Vande Berg, R. Paige & K. Lou. Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 10 (1). 14-16.
August 2016
Introducing Study Abroad On Screen: English Vinglish.
Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 9 (2). 16–27.
Book Review: Assessing Study Abroad: Theory, Tools and Practice
Edited by Victor Saviki & Elizabeth Brewer. Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 9 (2). 13-15.
海外留学の展望: 毛利章子氏へのインタビュー. Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 9 (2). 29 – 32.
Study abroad perspectives: An Interview with Akiko Mohri.
Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 9 (2). 33 - 36.
March 2016
Designing Study Abroad Pre-Departure Trainings. with Andy Hockersmith.
Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 9 (1). 2 – 12.
Text Review: Passport 2: English for International Communication.
by Angela Buckingham and Lewis Lansford. Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 9 (1). 20 – 22.
Book Review: Study Abroad for Dummies
by Erin E. Sullivan. (with Karen Yabuno) Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 9 (1). 13 – 14.
Classroom Activity: Student Study Abroad Interview Project.
Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 9 (1). 21 – 24.
A contrastive case study of four Japanese language teachers in Taiwan.
In S. Kakimoto (Ed.) Tōyō Daigaku Ningen Kagaku Kenkyūjo Tokubetsu Kenkyū Purojekkuto
"Ibunka Rikai to Gengo Kyōiku" 27-Nendo Seika Hōkoku-Sho. [Toyo Univ. Human Science Inst. Special Research Project:
Cross-Cultural Understanding & Language Learning - 2015 Report]. 23 - 30. [Co-authored with Xu Sanyi].
Fostering Strategic Competence among University English Students: A Mini-Lesson Pilot Study. In S. Kakimoto (Ed.) Tōyō Daigaku Ningen Kagaku Kenkyūjo Tokubetsu Kenkyū Purojekkuto
"Ibunka Rikai to Gengo Kyōiku" 27-Nendo Seika Hōkoku-Sho. [Toyo Univ. Human Science Inst. Special Research Project:
Cross-Cultural Understanding & Language Learning - 2015 Report]. 6 - 7.
November 2015
Book Review: Multiple Perspectives on the Self in SLA Edited by S. Mercer & M. Williams [with Anna Ogawa]
Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 8 (2). 16 – 18.
Book Review: Social and Cultural Aspects of Language Learning in Study Abroad Edicted by C. Kinginger
Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 8 (2). 3 – 6.
Study abroad perspectives: An Interview with Celeste Kinginger. Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad Vol. 8. No. 2. (p. 7 – 12).
Text Review: Study Abroad! by K. Tsuji, S. Tsuji, & M. Lieb.
Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 8 (2). 19 – 22.
April 2015
Book Review: Intercultural journeys from study to residence abroad by Jane Jackson [with Allan Goodwin] Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 8 (1). 6 – 8.
Scaffolding the meta-language of study abroad. Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 8. (1). 21 – 30.
November 2014
Evidence for and against Rexeisen’s Boomerang Hypothesis among study abroad returnees [with Russell Hubert] Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 7 (2). 2 – 7.
Book Review: Language, identity and study abroad: Sociocultural perspectives by Jane Jackson [with Allan Goodwin] Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 7 (2). 8 – 10.
Book Review: Second language identity in narratives of study abroad by Benson, Barkhuizen, Bodycott, & Brown. Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 7 (2). 15 – 17.
July 2014
Study abroad research artifacts: Exploring the effects of survey implicature in a Likert agreement scale with Ken Groger. Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 7 (1). 2 – 23.
Text Review: Travel Abroad Project by Richard McMahon. Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 7 (1). 38 – 41.
December 2013
Book Review: Study abroad programs and their effect on possible Language 2 selves development and language learning strategies by Maria Villalobos-Buehner. Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 6 (2). 12 – 15.
海外留学の展望: 丸山勇氏へのインタビュー. Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 6 (2). 30 – 32.
Study abroad perspectives: An Interview with Isamu Maruyama. Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 6 (2). 33 – 35.
July 2013
Student washback from tertiary standardized English proficiency exit requirements in Taiwan. with Yiching Pan. Journal of Teaching and Learning. 9 (1). (16 pages).
March 2013
Study abroad, survey-tests, micro-narratives, and item types:
Investigating the interface. with Ken Groger. Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 6 (1). 2 – 21.
Book Review: Analyzing qualitative data: Systematic approaches by H. R. Bernard & G. W. Ryan. Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 6 (1). 27 – 29.
December 2012
Exit exams as levers for educational policies: Taiwan's attempt at English proficiency benchmark settings. with Yiching Pan. Hong Kong Journal of Applied Linguistics. 14 (1). 69 – 88.
November 2012
Book Review: The first time effect: The impact of study abroad on college student
intellectual development by Joshua S. McKeown. Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 5 (3). 11 – 12.
教育におけるグローバリゼーション : 河原俊昭氏とスティーブ·マッカーティ氏によるパネルインタビュー. Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 5 (3). 13 – 18.
Study abroad perspectives and educational globalization: A panel interview with Toshiaki Kawahara & Steve McCarty. Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 5 (3). 19 – 24.
August 2012
Book Review: Language learning and study abroad: A critical reading of the research by Celeste Kinginger. Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 5 (2). 15 – 17.
Study abroad perspectives: An Interview with Eton Churchill. Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 5 (2). 18 – 20.
June 2012
Do tests promote changes in listening and reading skills? Evidence from a Taiwanese EFL context. with Yiching Pan. The International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching . 7 (3). 3 – 13.
Tertiary EFL proficiency graduation requirements in Taiwan: A study of washback on learning. with Yiching Pan. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching. 9 (1). 108 – 122.
March 2012
Gender issues in study abroad.
東洋大学人間科学総合研究所プロジェット研究 報告書:学習者の視点に立った異文化理解と外国語教育. (p. 23 - 36).
A contrastive case study of two study abroad participants:
Exploring the interface between L2 identity and L2 motivation.
東洋大学人間科学総合研究所プロジェット研究 報告書:学習者の視点に立った異文化理解と外国語教育. (p. 59 - 74).
Overcoming common misconceptions about study abroad.
東洋大学人間科学総合研究所プロジェット研究 報告書:学習者の視点に立った異文化理解と外国語教育. (p. 123 - 134).
January 2012
Directions in study abroad motivational research.
Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 5 (1). 2 - 13.
海外留学の展望 浅井宏純氏へのインタビュー.
Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 5 (1). 27 - 31.
Study abroad perspectives: An interview with Hirozumi Asai.
Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 5 (1). 32 - 40.
December 2011
Teacher and student washback on test preparation evidenced from Taiwan's English certification exit requirements.
with Yiching Pan. International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning. 6 (3). 260 - 272.
October 2011
Assessment Literacy Quiz #11.
JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG Newsletter. 15 (2). 30 - 42.
March 2011
Critical incidents in study abroad: Some contrasting multidisciplinary perspectives.
Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad.. 4 (1). 11 - 18.
Book Review: College Admissions for the 21st Century.
by Robert J. Sternberg. JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG Newsletter. 15 (1). 7 - 9.
Assessment Literacy Quiz #10.
JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG Newsletter. 15 (1). 19 - 31.
December 2010
A case study of longitudinal attitude changes among a cohort of Japanese university students completing a short-term study abroad.
Toyo University Keizai Ronshu. Vol. 35. No. 1. (p. 27 - 41).
November 2010
Study abroad perspectives: An interview with Elaine Gilmour.
Ryūgaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 3 (2) (p. 11 - 17).
October 2010
Insights in Language Testing: An interview with Shozo Kuwata. (co-authored with Noriko Saitoh)
JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG Newsletter. Vol. 14. No. 2. (p. 2 - 5).
. (co-authored with Noriko Saitoh)
JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG Newsletter. Vol. 14. No. 2. (p. 6 - 10).
March 2010
Assessment Literacy Quiz #9.
JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG Newsletter. Vol. 14. No. 1. (p. 24 - 35).
December 2009
Proceedings of the 2009 JALT Pan-SIG Conference on Second Language Acquisition.
(co-edited with E. Skier) May 23-24, 2009, Chiba, Japan: Toyo Gakuen University, Nagareyama Campus. Tokyo: JALT Pan-SIG Committee.
November 2009
Assessment Literacy Quiz #8.
JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG Newsletter. 13 (3). 26 - 38. >
May 2009
Book Review: Investigating pragmatics in foreign language learning, teaching, and testing.
Ed. by E. Alcón Soler and A. Martínez-Flor.
JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG Newsletter. 13 (2). 15 - 18.
Assessment Literacy Quiz #7.
JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG Newsletter. 13 (2). 24 - 34.
April 2009
Slicing through the onion: Contrasting perspectives on a recent academic event. Toyo University Institute of Human Science Journal. Vol 11. (p. 82 - 91).
January 2009
A Gift to my daughter: A father's lessons for life and investing by J. B. Rogers with O. Katoh & S. Miura.
Tokyo: Asashi Press. [Adapted as an EFL reading text for Japanese university students]. (ISBN: 978-4255-25466-4 C1082)
Assessment Literacy Quiz #6.
JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG Newsletter. 13 (1). 31 - 41.
December 2008
Proceedings of the 2008 JALT Pan-SIG Conference on Second Language Acquisition.
(co-edited with P. Wanner & M. Kawate-Mierzejewska) May 10-11, 2008, Kyoto, Japan: Doshisha University Shinmachi Campus. Tokyo: JALT Pan-SIG Committee.
June 2008
Book Review: Teaching Chinese, Japanese, and Korean heritage students: Curriculum needs, materials, and assessment.
Ed. by Kimi Kondo-Brown & James Dean Brown.
TESOL-EJ. 12 (1). R5.
Spring 2008
Book Review: Perspectives on teaching connected speech to second language learners.
Ed. by James Dean Brown & Kimi Kondo-Brown.
On CUE Journal. 2 (1). 69 - 71.
Apr. 2008
Book Review: Language testing reconsidered. Edited by
Janna Fox, Mari Wesche, Doreen Bayliss, Liying Cheng, Carolyn E. Turner, Christine Doe, & the Univ. of Ottawa Press.
JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG Newsletter. 12 (2). 17 - 20.
Opinion Piece: The 'New' TOEIC®. with Mark Chapman.
JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG Newsletter. 12 (2). 32 - 37.
Assessment Literacy Quiz #5.
JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG Newsletter. 12 (2). 44 - 54.
Febuary 2008
Gateway to mastering the new TOEIC [
]. with Y. Chang.
Taipei: English Learning Testing Service. [ISBN 9789868156999]
January 2008
Book Review: Language testing: The social dimension.
JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG Newsletter. 12 (1). 15 - 17.
Assessment Literacy Quiz #4.
JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG Newsletter. 12 (1). 19 - 20.
December 2007
Proceedings of the 2007 JALT Pan-SIG Conference on Second Language Acquisition.
(co-edited with I. Gledall, M. Kawate-Mierzejewska, & P. Wanner) May 12-13, 2007, Sendai, Japan: Tohoku Bunka Gakuen University. Tokyo: JALT Pan-SIG Committee. (Available on CD-ROM).
August 2007
Book Review: Language testing and assessment: An advanced resource book.
JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG Newsletter. 11 (2). 6 - 8.
Insights in Language Testing: An interview with Glenn Fulcher.
JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG Newsletter. 11 (2). 9 - 17.
Engendering assessment literacy: Narrowing the gap between teachers and testers.
Assessing Foreign Language Performances: Proceedings of the 2007 KELTA International Conference.
Seoul, Korea: Korea English Language Testing Association. (p. 22 - 42).
People in materials writing: An interview with Allen Ascher.
Between the Keys: The JALT Material Writers SIG Newsletter. 15 (1). 4 - 7.
March 2007
Game theory approaches to grading: An experiment with two incentive point systems.
Toyo University Keizai Ronshu. 32 (2). 33 - 43.
A Review of two Books about standardized testing.
JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG Newsletter. 11 (1). 26 - 29.
Febuary 2007
に本における人権問題:社団法人アムネスティ インターナションル日本寺中真事務局長へのイナタビュー.
[Human Rights in Japan: An interview with Makoto Teranaka, Office Manager of Amnesty International Japan].
Gendai Shakai Kenkyuu. Vol. 4. (p. 109 - 113).
December 2006
Book: Open sesame - Gateway to mastering the TOEIC®. [A TOEIC study book for Chinese EFL students
co-authored with Chang Yahui]. Taipei: English Learning Service Group. [ISBN: 978-986-81569-6-8].
Book Review: The testing trap: How state writing assessments control learning. by George Hillocks, Jr.
JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG Newsletter. 10 (2). 12 - 16.
Teacher development and assessment literacy.
In T. Newfields, I. Gledall, M. Kawate-Mierzejewska, Y. Ishida, M. Chapman, & P. Ross (Eds.)
Proceedings of the 2006 JALT Pan-SIG Conference on Authentic Communication (p. 48 - 73).
May 13-14, 2006, Shizuoka, Japan: Tokai University. Tokyo: JALT Pan-SIG Committee. (Available on CD-ROM).
Proceedings of the 2006 JALT Pan-SIG Conference on Authentic Communication. May 13-14, 2006, Shizuoka, Japan: Tokai University.
(co-edited with Ian Gledall, Megumi Kawate-Mierzejewska, Yvonne Ishida, Mark Chapman, & Peter Ross). Tokyo: JALT Pan-SIG Committee. (Available on CD-ROM).
October 2006
Minoria-Majoria: Revisiting an Old Simulation.
SIETAR Japan Newsletter. (p. 11 - 12).
Towards human dignity: An interview with Dr. Evelin Lindner.
SIETAR Japan Newsletter. (p. 26 - 27).
May 2006
Proceedings of the 2005 JALT Pan-SIG Conference on Lifelong Learning. May 14-15, 2005, Tokyo Keizai University.
(co-edited with Peter Ross, Yvonne Ishida, Mark Chapman, & Megumi Kawate-Mierzejewska).
Tokyo: JALT Pan-SIG Committee. (Available on CD-ROM).
March 2006
New English PAL 1. (2nd Ed.). [a MEXT-approved high school English textbook].
(proofreader). Tokyo: Kirihara Shoten.
Teaching Alternative debate in Japanese university contexts.
Toyo University Keizai Ronshu. 31 (2). 111 - 126.
An interview with Steve Shallhorn.
The Journal of Contemporary Social Sciences. Vol. 3. (p. 73 - 76).
December 2005
TOEIC® washback effects on teachers: A pilot study at one university faculty.
Toyo University Keizai Ronshu. 31 (1). 83 - 106.
October 2005
Some preliminary thoughts on statistics and background information on SPSS (Part 3).
(co-authored with H.P.L. Molloy). JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG Newsletter. 9 (2). 2 - 7.
Book Review: Statistical analyses for language assessment. by Lyle F. Bachman.
JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG Newsletter. 9 (2). 29 - 30.
Insights in Language Testing: An interview with Michael Todd Fouts.
JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG Newsletter. 9 (2). 21 - 22.
May 2005
Some preliminary thoughts on statistics and background information on SPSS (Part 2).
with H.P.L. Molloy. JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG Newsletter. 9 (1). 2 - 6.
Book Review: Washback in language testing: Research contexts and methods. Edited by Liying Cheng, Yoshinori Watanabe, and Andy Curtis.
JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG Newsletter. 9 (1). 8 - 10.
Insights in Language Testing: An interview with Yoshinori Watanabe.
JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG Newsletter. 9 (1). 5 - 7.
January 2005
Proceedings of the 2004 JALT Pan-SIG Conference Conference on the Interface between Interlanguage,
Pragmatics and Assessment, May 22 -23, 2004, Tokyo Keizai University. (co-edited with Yvonne Ishida, Mark Chapman, & Mayumi Fujioka). Tokyo: JALT Pan-SIG Committee. (Available on CD-ROM).
Book Review: Assessing young learners – Thinking activities for second language students
by Sophie Ioannou-Georgious & Pavlos Pavlou. Teachers Learning with Children. 9 (4). 43 - 46.
November 2004
Some preliminary thoughts on statistics and background information on SPSS (Part 1)
(co-authored with H.P.L. Molloy).
JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG Newsletter. 8 (2). 2 - 6.
August 2004
Proceedings & Supplement of the 2nd Peace as a Global Language Conference,
Sep. 27-28, 2003, Seisen University. (co-edited with Kim Bradford-Watts, Tim Denny, Keiko Kikuchi & Kazkuya Asakawa). Tokyo: PGL2 Committee.
(Available on CD-ROM).
Deconstructing Cinderella - Helping students explore their personal myths.
2nd Peace as a Global Language Conference Proceedings & Supplement, (p. 38 - 50). Tokyo: PGL2 Committee.
Spring 2004
People in Materials Writing: An interview with Marc Helgesen. Between the Keys, Vol. 12, No. 1, (p. 10 - 12). Tokyo: JALT Material Writers SIG.
January 2004
Proceedings of the 2003 JALT Pan-SIG Conference, May 10-11, 2003, Tokyo Keizai University.
(co-edited with Sayoko Yamashita, Anne Howard, & Carol Rinnert). Tokyo: JALT Pan-SIG Committee.
November 2003
Book Review: Criterion-reference Language Testing by J. D. Brown and Thom Hudson.
JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG Newsletter. 7 (3). 8 - 11.
October 2003
Curriculum innovation, testing and evaluation: Proceedings of the 2002 JALT Pan-SIG Conference,
May 11-12 2002, Kyoto Institute of Technology.
(co-edited with Alan S. MacKenzie). Tokyo: JALT CUE & TEVAL SIGs. (ISBN 4-901352-07-5).
March 2003
Proceedings & Supplement of the 1st Peace as a Global Language Conference,
Sep. 28-29, 2002, Daito Bunka University Hall. (co-editor with Keiko Kikuchi & Kazkuya Asakawa). Tokyo: PGL1 Committee. (Available on CD-ROM).
Applying the step forward activity to EFL contexts.
1st Peace as a Global Language Conference Proceedings & Supplement. Tokyo: PGL1 Committee. (p. 7 - 15).
Insights in Language Testing: An interview with J. D. Brown.
JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG Newsletter. Vol. 7. No. 1. (p. 10 - 13).
January 2003
Helping students acquire academic writing skills.
Journal of Nanzan Junior College. Vol. 30. (99 - 120).
September 2002
Book Review: A focus on language test development Ed. by Thom Hudson & JD Brown.
TESL-EJ. 6 (2). (R-8).
Opinion Piece: Challenging the notion of face validity.
JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG Newsletter. 6 (3). 14.
Insights in Language Testing: An interview with Michihiro Hirai.
JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG Newsletter. 6 (3). 11 - 13.
April 2002
Insights in Language Testing: An interview with Liz Hamp-Lyons.
JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG Newsletter. 6 (2). 3 - 4.
Febuary 2002
Insights in Language Testing: An interview with Gholam Reza Haji Pour Nezhad.
JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG Newsletter. 6 (1). 11 - 12.
December 2001
NaZa NaZa: A classroom adaptation of a cross-cultural training session.
Nagoya, Japan: Journal of Nanzan Junior College. Vol. 29. (p. 107 - 129).
Fall 2001
Teaching summarizing skills: Some practical hints.
ELJ Journal. 2 (2). 1 - 7.
October 2001
Book Review: Assessing language for specific purposes by Dan Douglas.
JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG Newsletter. 5 (3). 7 - 8.
The state of the art in LSP testing: An interview with Dan Douglas.
JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG Newsletter. 5 (3). 9 - 12.
August 2001
Presentation Report: Language for specific purpose testing: The state of the art.
Japan Language Testing Assoc. Newsletter No. 10. (p. 3 - 4).
April 2001
An interview with Randy Thrasher.
JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG Newsletter. 5 (2). 11 - 12.
June 2000
The native speaker concept in ELT - A review of three books.
Explorations in Teacher Education. 8 (2). 12 - 14. (also published in Gakushuu no Gakushuu in Dec. 2000).
December 2000
Creative note taking and study skills.
Nagoya, Japan: Journal of Nanzan Junior College. Vol. 28. (p. 59 - 78).
October 1999
8 tips towards better listening.
Interactive English Digest. 2 (1). 4 - 7.
August 1999
Process and product approaches in EFL composition: Connecting _how_ with _what_.
Proceedings of the Academic Conference on "Bridging the Centuries".
Taipei, Taiwan: Ming Chuan University. March 12-13, 1999. (p. 45 - 51).
April 1999
Reading for purpose.
Interactive English Digest . 1 (6). 7 - 8.
March 1999 - December 2001 (weekly English education newspaper column)
One Sentence Writing Workshop. Taipei, Taiwan: Mandarin Daily. with Y. Chang.

Febuary 1999
Poem: Peacemaking. Global Issues in Language Education. No. 34. (p. 18).
November 1998
Tips for teaching children English at home.
Interactive English Digest . 1 (4). 4 - 8.
August 1998
Internet multimedia resources for language learners. with Randall Davis.
The Language Teacher. 22 (8). 45 - 47).
March 1998
Book Review: Multimedia language
teaching. with Randall Davis. TESL-EJ 3 (2).
Experiential-based roleplays for social awareness.
Global Issues in Language Teaching. Issue No. 30. (p. 12 - 14).
Febuary 1998
Shimizu Profiles: The Suzuki Yohei Legacy.
Shimizu, Japan: Salad Bowl. 6 (2). 1 - 4.
Historic Sites in Shimizu: Munakata Shrine.
Shimizu, Japan: Salad Bowl. 6 (2). 1 - 4.
January 1998
インターネットで清水へアクセス (in Japanese). Shimizu Shimin Koe no Kai. Issue No. 9. (p. 8).
Shimizu Profiles: Koikawa Harumachi.
Shimizu, Japan: Salad Bowl. 6 (1). 1 - 4.
Historic Sites in Shimizu: Myoukeiji Temple.
Shimizu, Japan: Salad Bowl. 6 (1). 1 - 4.
December 1997 / January 1998
Video resources in cyberspace. with Randall Davis.
TESOL Matters. 7 (6). 16.
To teach.
Explorations in Teacher Education. 5 (4). 3.
December 1997
Shimizu Profiles: Tanaka Chigaku.
Shimizu, Japan: Salad Bowl. 5 (11). 1 - 6.
Historic Sites in Shimizu: Akiwa San.
Shimizu, Japan: Salad Bowl. 5 (11). 1 - 4.
November 1997
Shimizu Profiles: Wada Eisaku.
Shimizu, Japan: Salad Bowl. 5 (10). 1 - 4.
October 1997
Computer literacy: Issues and approaches.
CALL: Basics and Beyond. Proceedings of the 2nd Annual JALT CALL SIG Conference at Chubu University, Japan. Ed. by Paul Lewis and Shiozawa Tadashi. (p. 63 - 68).
Historic Sites in Shimizu: Yagumo Shrine. Shimizu, Japan: Salad Bowl. 5 (9). 1, 2.
September 1997
Shimizu Profiles: Matsumae Shigeyoshi.
Shimizu, Japan: Salad Bowl. 5 (8). 1 - 6.
June 1997
Ibunka Komyunikeeshon to Haragei (in Japanese).
University of Shizuoka: Kendai Net. No. 4. (p. 2).
May 1997
Classroom Perspectives on the Internet. The Language Teacher. 21 (5). 42 - 49.
Fostering critical inquiry in classrooms. Kusanagi Net. No. 6. (p. 1).
Shimizu Profiles: Kajiwara Kagetoki.
Shimizu, Japan: Salad Bowl. 5 (5). 1 - 4.
Apr. 1997
Nippon Juutaku Inshouki (in Japanese). SIBA: Shizuoka International Business Association Magazine. Issue No. 27. (p. 15 - 20).
Historic Sites in Shimizu: Tesshuuji Temple. Shimizu, Japan: Salad Bowl. 5 (3). 1 - 6.
March 1997
What have you learned from your students today?. Hamamatsu Society for English Studies: 8th Anniversary Issue. (p. 1).
Shimizu Profiles: Marquis Inoue Kaoru. Shimizu, Japan: Salad Bowl. 5 (3). 1 - 3.
Historic Sites in Shimizu: Seikenji Temple. Shimizu, Japan: Salad Bowl. 5 (3). 1, 2, 6.
January 1997
An introduction to the World Wide Web with Steve McGuire. The Language Teacher. 21 (1). 32 - 34.
November 1996
Takayama Chogyuu. Shimizu, Japan: The Salad Bowl. 4 (11). 1, 3.
October 1996
Issues in student selection for elective oral English classes. Tokai University Foreign Language Education Center Journal. Vol. 16. (p. 147 - 151).
The First Steps to Internet Connectivity. The Language Teacher. 20 (10). 40 - 44.
日本人とアメリカ人の価値観の違い (in Japanese). The Kendai Net: Newsletter of the University of Shizuoka. Issue No. 2. (p. 3).
July 1996
富士の理:石井東運写真集 (English translation). [The Land of Fuji: A Collection of photographs by Ishii Tohun]. Shizuoka Shinbun.
June 1996
JALT Presentation Report: Insights from cognitive psychology regarding grammar and communication. The Language Teacher. 20 (6). 57, 59.
ESOL resources on the world wide web for Children. Teachers Learning with Children. 1 (2). 4 - 5.
Autumn 1995
A Poet in Hiroshima. Sakura: Japanese Poetry Review. 3 (2). 29, 30.
October 1995
Online resources for language teachers. Tokai University Foreign Language Education Center Journal.
Vol. 15. (p. 83 - 88)
Book Review: The cultural politics of English as an international language. Teacher Talking to Teacher. Vol. 3. No. 3. (p. 21 - 23).
Spring 1995
Poet & Potter. Sakura: Japanese Poetry Review. 3 (1). 26.
December 1994
Book Review: The Emperor's New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics. CALLing Japan. Vol. 3. No. 3. (p. 5 - 6).
Act City Hamamatsu (English translation). Shizuoka, Japan: Shizuoka Shinbun.
October 1994
Oral proficiency testing: One approach for college classes. Tokai University Foreign Language Education Center Journal. Vol. 14. (p. 185 - 190).
Handicap awareness training: A pilot project. Tokai University Bulletin: College of Marine Science. Vol. 20. (p. 77 - 82).
August 2, 1994
国際交流は人間性と慣れ (in Japanese). Shizuoka Shimbun. (p. 6).
March 1994
Productive and non-productive video Use. Video Rising. 6 (1). 11.
Book Review: Neurolinguistic aspects of the Japanese writing system. METAMAPS. 2 (1). 16.
Maruchi-tasukingu to Gogaku Shuutoku (in Japanese). Gakushuu no Gakushuu. 1 (1). 14.
ctober 1993
Learning strategies and language outcomes. Tokai University Foreign Language Education Center Journal. Vol. 13. (p. 141 - 146).
父と私. (English translation). Ogawa Anna Zuisoushuu.
Shizuoka, Japan: Genryuu no Mura.
April 1993
JALT Presentation Report: Teaching children to be effective learners. The Language Teacher. 17 (4). 53.
Febuary 1993
Book Review: Meaning Making: Directed reading and thinking Activities for second language students.
The Language Teacher. Vol. 17. No. 2. (p. 55).
January 1993
GDMによる日本語教育 (in Japanese). The Language Teacher. 17 (1). 63.
September 21, 1992
異文化体験 (in Japanese). Shizuoka Shinbun.
Spring 1992
Nuclear lullaby.
Poetry Nippon. Numbers 97-98. (p. 33).
August 1991
JALT Presentation Report: Teaching and learning the TOEFL. The Language Teacher. 15 (8). 53.